A testament to resilience
by Blandin Foundation Posted in Blandin Foundation, Rural Capacity Building, Vibrant Rural
Flood damage from last week’s torrential rains have put leaders across northeastern Minnesota to the test. From emergency services workers to church communities to school staff, those in positions of authority are leading the way towards securing resources for recovery, and bolstering their neighbors with hope. Blandin Foundation has joined the Northland Foundation, AgStar Financial Services and Great River Energy in establishing the Business Flood Recovery Fund for businesses in the region affected by flooding. Visit the recovery fund link for grant guidelines and other details; more on the situation is also available at the #duluthflood Twitter hashtag.
“The efforts we support are a reflection of how resilient rural leadership is. People are stepping up to ensure communities recover, and we support this wholeheartedly,” said grants director Sonja Merrild.
Also yesterday, the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce alerted its members that the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is gathering information on flood damage as part of the state’s efforts to seek federal disaster recovery funds. Businesses and nonprofits in the region are encouraged to complete and submit this one-page survey in the next 7 -10 days.
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