Our Story
Charles K. Blandin established the Blandin Foundation in 1941 to aid and promote Grand Rapids and the surrounding area.
In establishing the Foundation, Charles K. Blandin emphasized flexibility to ensure it could adapt to changing times with an underlying philosophy that its work should lead to the “betterment of mankind.”
The Blandin Foundation addresses issues to enhance the economic viability of rural communities and the well-being of residents. The Foundation’s management and Board of Trustees work diligently to ensure that Charles Blandin’s legacy is served through wise investment and progressive leadership programs, meaningful public policy engagement, and grant making.
However, the legacy of Charles Blandin’s endowment truly shines when paired with the passion of individuals within these communities. For this reason, the thousands of rural Minnesota volunteers, social service professionals, business people, public officials, emerging leaders, families, educators, peers, seasoned and new voices, and others also represent the communities we serve.