Image: Northfield DT with flowers Blandin Foundation Nortfield 0115
Vibrant Communities
People. Places. Passion. Progress.
Where do you see your community today? And more importantly, where do you imagine your community tomorrow?
At Blandin Foundation, we see a world of possibilities within your answers.
Discover here your fellow rural Minnesotans’ answers. And consider the power and possibilities within your own answers.
Nine Dimensions of Healthy Community
A community's health is made up of many separate but inter-related dimensions.
Creating Your Community’s Future
Visionary leaders. Vital economies. Genuine opportunity. Cars on Main Street...and more.
Working Across Differences
Leadership and inclusion so communities work for every person
Meeting Peoples’ Needs
Networks and resources essential to daily life
From the Blog: Vibrant Communities
We see vibrancy in rural Minnesota every week – and share it with you on Groundwork, our blog.
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