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Welcome new staff members

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Two new staff members joined Blandin Foundation in September. We sat down with each of them to learn more about their work, and asked them a couple questions to get to know them better.


Liz Carlson – Payroll/Finance Assistant

As a member of the Foundation’s finance team, Liz processes payroll, assures compliance with Foundation policies, and assists with audit and tax return preparation. She also provides advanced administrative support to finance-related committees of the Board of Trustees. Liz majored in community health at Bemidji State University, and worked in the banking and nonprofit sectors before joining the Foundation. She is active in community work, including youth mentoring, coaching figure skating, and volunteering on the Cohasset Elementary Parent Teacher Council.

What can’t you live without?

My family!   My life revolves around my two young children.  I am lucky to have close relationships with my extended family, many of whom live in northern Minnesota.  My five nieces and nephew also have a special place in my heart.

What is your proudest moment?

My proudest moments are those when my children express love and kindness to others.  I am also proud to call Itasca County home.

What does a vibrant rural community look like to you?

A strong sense of community, and appreciation for health, education, economy and ecology – all of which are a part of the Itasca area.



Theresa Stark – Accountant

As a member of the Foundation’s finance team, Theresa handles accounts payable and receivable, manages vendor and consultant contracts, and tracks fixed assets. She has worked at for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations prior to joining the Foundation’s staff. She earned her bachelor’s degree in finance from St. Cloud State University, and volunteers with her children’s parent-teacher committee and the Reif Center Dance Parents Organization. She and her family enjoy outdoor activities, especially camping and biking.

What can’t you live without?

My family. I have an amazing husband and two great kids. I am also very close to my immediate and extended family, and have great in-laws. We lived out-of-state for years, and the thing that brought us back was to be close to them all. Having children made that especially clear. I am so happy my kids are able to be part of the lives of their grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins.

What does a vibrant rural community look like to you?

To me a vibrant community has economic stability, outstanding education options, community events where people can get out and get to know each other, activity options that encompass a wide range of interests, and inclusion and acceptance of all people.  A community where people know their neighbors and are willing to help them out.

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