Future Workers Learn the Importance of Committed Connections
by Blandin Foundation Posted in Blandin Foundation, Vibrant Rural

This week more than 600 ninth graders from seven Itasca County schools traded their sneakers in for a comfy set of loafers, putting themselves in the shoes of local business men and women for a day. As part of the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce Future Workers program, students were paired with over 57 organizations and had the opportunity to tour office spaces, ask about training required to land a given job, and ask general questions about how to search for a job.
The Blandin Foundation hosted 10 students interested in exploring the field of social sciences. Below is a photo of the visual model they constructed to depict what they learned. Paraphrasing their words, they described the model as using themselves to build people up by making bridges and connections with others. In just a short time, these future workers grasped on to the idea that committed connections are vital to healthy, vibrant communities. We were honored to host these emerging leaders for a day!
Follow the link to watch a WDIO news story on the Future Workers program.
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