Digital storytelling: the megaphone for rural voice
by Blandin Foundation Posted in Vibrant Rural
Stories have connecting power. They give us a behind-the-scenes look into people’s lives. They invite us to relate to people on a human level and have the potential to inspire action. That might be why video is expected to be the dominant form of online content by 2017.
In today’s Daily Yonder, TechSoup blogger Jim Lynch talked about how rural communities and organizations can harness to the power of video to create stronger ties to those they care about, decrease feelings of isolation and provide the opportunity to show what living in rural is really like – counteracting existing stereotypes.
So dust off your camera lens and zoom in to these quick tips Lynch gives to be successful in rural advocacy, fundraising and community development efforts.
- Long-winded in out. Really short is in.
The average attention span of an American is now shorter than that of a goldfish. So, to be successful on social media, you need to give people what they want the most: short stories told visually.
- Post your video in places where you know your audience is at.
Just because you’re telling a story about a small community, that doesn’t mean the potential audience for that story is small. Social media gives your story a chance to reach an even bigger audience.
- Seeing is believing. Some rural communities don’t have the right tools to “see.”
You can tell the most stunning visual digital story, but it won’t matter if your audience isn’t able to watch it. Many rural communities face significant technology access challenges. Pew Internet reports that 20% of residents in rural areas, where access to broadband is limited, aren’t online at all.
Take this into consideration when crafting your video and selecting where it will be shown.
See below for additional resources about creating powerful video.
Five Tips for Creating a Compelling Nonprofit Video
Tips for Shooting A Winning Video For Your Nonprofit
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