Rural Pulse 2016: a snapshot of the concerns, perceptions and priorities of rural Minnesota residents

by Blandin Foundation Posted in Vibrant Rural
Released today, Rural Pulse 2016 is a one-of-a-kind survey, conducted every three years, that provides insight into rural Minnesotans’ perceptions about their communities. Raising up the voices of 1,144 rural and 500 urban residents, this data helps Blandin Foundation, its statewide partners and community leaders in starting and informing conversations that strengthen rural communities.
Key themes this year include:
- Despite improved economy, job creation continues to be a critical concern in rural Minnesota.
- Most rural Minnesotans feel their community works together effectively across differences.
- Rural Minnesotans feel their community adequately provides most services, and believe residents have equal access to basic services. Younger Millennials are less convinced.
- Minnesota continues to diversify, but leadership is not wholly reflective of this change.
- One in five rural Minnesotans have considered relocation to a metro area.
New this year are a number of special reports that go in-depth on topics important to rural communities (broadband, communities of color, community leaders, Itasca area, and millennials). Data is also grouped by the six geographic regions of Minnesota. Stay tuned as we highlight these reports in the coming weeks.
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