Program Associate Becky LaPlant featured in Giving Forum magazine
by Blandin Foundation Posted in Blandin Foundation
Minnesota Council on Foundations recently profiled Public Policy and Engagement Program Associate Becky LaPlant for their latest issue of Giving Forum. In the article, Becky shares her journey to philanthropy and how, after 15 years at the Foundation, she approaches her community work.
The Blandin Foundation continues to work internally and externally in ways that make LaPlant feel even more connected to the communities she serves as well as the foundation itself.
She explains, “In the arc of my lifetime, I’ve had the privilege of working in many great situations, surrounded by mostly fabulous people. I’ve been at the foundation for 15 years and our mission, vision and values that we aspire to are what feed my worldview and allow me to practice being flexible in my thinking and open and curious to the thinking of others. The values that are part of my worldview shape my work in philanthropy and in the way I approach all aspects of my community life. I’ve seen, and believe to be true, that: Inclusion of all people, voices and worldviews is central to community health; trusting relationships are earned and it’s through them that positive change is created; and trust comes through integrity and, in my case, through my practice of love and kindness.”
Full article at Minnesota Council on Foundations’ website: Stumbling into philanthropy, walking with community
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