Introducing GroundWork: tools to grow vibrant rural communities
by Kathy Annette Posted in Blandin Foundation
Nothing truly worthwhile is ever easy. This is especially true if you’re a rural community leader.
Community issues are complex. Sometimes it’s hard to see the “whole” or what it all adds up to. Great leaders know that change starts small and builds from the ground up. It takes local leaders digging in, planting seeds of hope and cultivating a shared vision that the community stands behind.
Real change starts with groundwork.
That’s why we’re launching this blog, a collection of stories, perspectives and tools to help leaders, like you, design and claim your community’s future.
I invite you to use the tools offered in GroundWork to explore new possibilities, test existing thinking and rejuvenate your community work.
We see your passion and commitment. We see your hard work. And we proudly stand with you as you reach across boundaries and build lasting connections to strengthen the places we call home.
You are the leaders we’ve been waiting for!
Kathy Annette, President & CEO
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