Clay County
Year | Rank | 100/20 Mbps |
2023 | #25 of 87 | 90.71% |
2022 | #20 of 87 | 92.06% |
2021 | #26 of 87 | 89.08% |
2020 | #23 of 87 | 87.57% |
2019 | #29 of 87 | 82.32% |
2018 | #19 of 87 | 82.52% |
2017 | #22 of 87 | 74.13% |
Clay County: Consistent, Incremental Improvements Over Years
Clay County ranks 25 (down from 20) for broadband access out of 87 counties. Clay County has 90.72 percent coverage to broadband of 100 Mbps down and 20 up. They have 1874 households without access to broadband at that speed. Estimates indicate that it will cost $17.4 million to get to ubiquitous broadband in the county.
Clay County has seen a dip in ranking and percentage of access since last year. That is likely because of map correction, but it is frustrating. 702 Communications got $2.6 million in December 2022 in Border to Border funding to serve 369 households, businesses, and farms in rural Clay County. Red River Communications has two applications in the current round of Border to Border grants, which should be decided early in 2024.
Clay County residents were awarded 21 line extension funding requests, which means state funding will subsidize last mile broadband extension to their homes.
Clay County gets a green ranking because they have 90 percent coverage and it appears as if they are actively seeking improvement.
Household Density
Number of Providers
As of 2023 · Source: MN DEED
Households with Device Access
Has Worked with Blandin Foundation
Has Received MN Grant(s)
2019 – Arvig (Loretel Systems, Inc.) – Cormorant Lakes Area Project – GRANT $430,780
2022 – 702 Communications – Western Clay County Kragnes Township– GRANT $2,624,830
Government Districts
U.S. Congress: CD 7
MN Senate: 01, 04
MN House: 01B, 04A, 04B