Lac qui Parle County
Year | Rank | 100/20 Mbps |
2023 | #5 of 87 | 99.94% |
2022 | #4 of 87 | 99.86% |
2021 | #3 of 87 | 99.83% |
2020 | #3 of 87 | 99.57% |
2019 | #9 of 87 | 97.35% |
2018 | #6 of 87 | 97.35% |
2017 | #2 of 87 | 99.36% |
Lac Qui Parle County: Nearly Perfect
Lac Qui Parle County ranks 5 (down one) for broadband access out of 87 counties. They have 2 households without access to broadband at that speed. Estimates indicate that it will cost $7800 to get to ubiquitous broadband in the county.
Lac Qui Parle has had more than 99 percent coverage to broadband of 100 Mbps down and 20 up since we started tracking. They have slipped in ranking but what that really means is that other counties are catching up.
Household Density
Number of Providers
As of 2023 · Source: MN DEED
Households with Device Access
Has Worked with Blandin Foundation
2009, Blandin Foundation funded a feasibility study for LqP County and Farmers Telephone Cooperative. The feasibility study’s engineering, operational, and market development plans were later used to support the partners’ successful ARRA funding
Has Received MN Grant(s)
2010 – The county and Farmers were awarded a $9.6 million ARRA award
2015 – MVTV Wireless Middle Mile – Grant award: $808,080
2017 – Farmers Mutual Telephone – City of Watson and SW Lac qui Parle County FTTP – GRANT $760,501