Border to Border Broadband: Better Together
Event Details
November 18 - 20, 2015
Location: Minneapolis Marriott West
Be part of the conversation. Connect. Learn. Recharge.
This year’s conference theme, Better Together, reflects the reality that it takes all of us to continue building the statewide momentum needed to ensure that all Minnesotans have access to broadband – the indispensable infrastructure at the heart of rural community vitality.
Visit the Blandin on Broadband blog for a full conference recap.
Sponsored by Blandin Foundation and the Minnesota Office of Broadband Development.
With support from: Arrowhead RDC, Association of MN Counties, Economic Development Association of MN, Fiber to the Home Council, Greater MN Partnership, Headwaters RDC, Initiative Foundation, League of MN Cities, MN Association of Community Telecommunications Administrators, MN Association of Townships, MN Rural Health Association, Northland Foundation, Northwest MN Foundation, Region Five Development Commission, Region Nine Development Commission, Resilient Region Virtual Highway Taskforce, Southern MN Initiative Foundation, Southwest Initiative Foundation, Southwest RDC, West Central Initiative