Policy and Progress: Border to Border Broadband
Event Details
November 16 - 17, 2011
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Location: Greysolon Ballroom, Duluth MN
Blandin Foundation and Connect Minnesota hosted over 150 people at this year’s 2011 Broadband Conference, which focused on the ARRA Broadband funding efforts underway in Minnesota. Discussions with national and local policy leaders brought conference goers up to speed about how policy impacts them and how they link to the big picture. Through the sharing of tools and accomplishments of ARRA projects, we celebrated the progress towards meeting goals while planning for the future.
Conference posts on the Blandin on Broadband Blog:
Post-Conference and Extra-Conference Events
Border to Border Broadband Learning Stations
Understanding Minnesota’s Broadband Landscape: An Overview of the Connect Minnesota Project
Minnesota Broadband – the musical
Commissioner Michael Rothman on Broadband
Evolving Technology: Where we’ll be in 2020
MIRC Updates: Thief River Falls
MIRC Updates: Upper Minnesota Valley
National Broadband Policy and Implications for Minnesota