2000 – 2009
Grantees Map & List
Grantee | Amount |
Accessible Space Inc.
converting the Moses Residence in Grand Rapids from supportive housing services to an assisted living model. |
$5,000 2007 |
Action Through Churches Together
general operating assistance. |
$10,000 2004 |
Action Through Churches Together
sustaining assistance to expand ACT's work to respond to community issues in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2004 |
Action Through Churches Together
emergency shelter and advocate for the needs of children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Itasca County. |
$75,000 2005 |
Action Through Churches Together
sustaining assistance to respond to community issues and expand organizational efforts in Itasca County during 2007. |
$30,000 2006 |
Action Through Churches Together
sustaining assistance to respond to community issues and expand organizational efforts in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2007 |
Action Through Churches Together
support for the Itasca Community Connect event being held October 22, 2009. |
$5,000 2009 |
Action Through Churches Together
sustaining assistance to respond to community issues and expand organizational efforts in Itasca County. |
$20,455 2009 |
Advocates For Family Peace
your organization. |
$35,000 2000 |
Advocates For Family Peace
your organization. |
$35,000 2000 |
Advocates For Family Peace
your organization. |
$35,000 2001 |
Advocates For Family Peace
the transition and start-up of the Family Safety Center. |
$15,000 2002 |
Advocates For Family Peace
your organization. |
$35,000 2002 |
Advocates For Family Peace
your organization during 2004. |
$40,000 2003 |
Advocates For Family Peace
sustaining assistance in 2005. |
$40,000 2004 |
Advocates For Family Peace
the therapeutic supervised visitation project and Fathering After Violence project in Itasca County. |
$110,700 2005 |
Advocates For Family Peace
sustaining assistance for your organization during 2006. |
$40,000 2005 |
Advocates For Family Peace
sustaining assistance to promote safety, equity and peace to families experiencing domestic abuse in Itasca County. |
$45,000 2006 |
Advocates For Family Peace
sustaining contribution to promote safety, equity and peace to families experiencing domestic abuse in Itasca County. |
$90,000 2007 |
Advocates For Family Peace
capital assistance to renovate their existing building in Itasca County. |
$500,000 2008 |
Advocates For Family Peace
bringing in Susan Still to speak in Grand Rapids on domestic violence. |
$5,810 2008 |
Advocates For Family Peace
sustaining assistance to promote safety, equity and peace to families experiencing domestic abuse in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2009 |
African Development Center
funding outreach staff to expand capacity into four greater Minnesota communities. |
$165,000 2007 |
Afton Historical Society Press
the publication and distribution of To Be Free: Understanding and Eliminating Racism to students and educators in Minnesota classrooms. |
$10,000 2009 |
Aitkin County
assistance for your group certification efforts. |
$20,000 2003 |
Aitkin County
research and planning for the Aitkin Plasma Energy Park concept. |
$10,000 2007 |
Aitkin County
continued support for the Certified Group Chain of Custody throughout rural Minnesota. |
$7,500 2009 |
American Field Service-Grand Rapids
the Itasca County AFS program. |
$3,000 2000 |
American Field Service-Grand Rapids
the Itasca County AFS program. |
$3,000 2000 |
American Red Cross-Northland Chapter
the two-day mini disaster institute being held October 3-4 in Grand Rapids. |
$500 2008 |
American Sustainable Energy Council
the Six Turbines Wind Energy project in rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2006 |
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Minnesota Compass throughout rural Minnesota. |
$196,000 2008 |
Ardenhurst Township
the establishment of a community park. |
$2,000 2009 |
Area Partnership for Economic Expansion
membership assistance. |
$45,000 2006 |
Area Partnership for Economic Expansion
of the 2008 IBED Study Tour of Northeast Minnesota. |
$1,000 2008 |
Arrowhead Community Economic Assist. Co.
the Itasca County Building Your Child Care Business project as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$2,000 2000 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Arrowhead Senior Nutrition program in Itasca County. |
$46,000 2000 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Blandin Foundation Adult Scholarship Program during 2003-04. |
$120,500 2002 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the LIFE-Youth Transitional Housing Program and Free At Last Program in Itasca County. |
$55,000 2003 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
continued assistance of the Blandin Foundation Adult Scholarship Program. |
$320,000 2004 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
a donation towards the annual GED graduation party. |
$100 2005 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Free at Last and LIFE programs in Itasca County. |
$48,000 2006 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Adult Scholarship Program in Itasca County. |
$321,000 2006 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Adult Basic Education program's GED graduation celebration on May 23, 2007, at the Grand Rapids Library. |
$100 2007 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
delivering the Rural Rides program to Itasca County. |
$10,000 2008 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Free At Last youth development program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2008 |
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
the Rural Women's Leadership Project Forum/Community Conversations in northern Minnesota. |
$2,000 2009 |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
marketing and fund development assistance for ElderCircle in Itasca County. |
$85,000 2000 |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
matching assistance to help address skill improvements for workers who lob jobs as well as others in the Grand Rapids/Itasca County area. |
$10,000 2004 |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
helping businesses obtain expert consulting services to grow the workforce and increase profitability throughout rural Minnesota. |
$40,000 2005 |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
assistance with the implementation of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit in Itasca County. |
$2,500 2006 |
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
comprehensive planning activities for Itasca County communities. |
$25,000 2008 |
Arthritis Foundation
the Grand Rapids Arthritis Walk on September 23, 2006. |
$500 2006 |
Artspace Projects, Inc.
project assistance to develop a mixed-use arts facility for low-income artists and families in the Brainerd area. |
$150,000 2005 |
Atwater Newspaper Corporation
sponsorship of the Healthy Community/Healthy Journalism conference on April 19-22, 2006. |
$1,000 2006 |
Ball Bluff Township
fire equipment and certification for your volunteer fire department. |
$20,000 2002 |
Ball Bluff Township
the Volunteer Recognition Celebration on April 19, 2008. |
$500 2008 |
Ball Bluff Township
the Volunteer Appreciation celebration on April 25, 2009. |
$500 2009 |
Balsam Township
capital assistance for playground equipment at the Balsam Community Center in Itasca County. |
$3,000 2005 |
Balsam Township
donation towards turnout gear for the Balsam Volunteer Fire Department. |
$500 2005 |
Bemidji Area Council of Nonprofits
providing a greater sense of place among all residents as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$250,000 2000 |
Bemidji State University
the Highway Two-High Technology Corridor project. |
$121,000 2000 |
Bemidji State University
the Child Development Associate program for early childhood care givers in Itasca County as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$17,552 2000 |
Bemidji State University
Phase II of the Northern Tier High Technology Corridor. |
$324,000 2001 |
Bemidji State University
the Northern Tier High Technology Corridor. |
$49,000 2004 |
Bemidji State University
implementation of two applied engineering curriculums at Bemidji State University. |
$150,000 2005 |
Bemidji State University
continued assistance for the Northern Tier Technology Corridor project throughout rural Minnesota. |
$39,000 2005 |
Bemidji State University
the lecture series on American Indian education and the revolving loan account for post-secondary education expenses. |
$5,489 2007 |
Bi-County Community Action Council
heating assistance to low-income families in the Remer area. |
$15,000 2008 |
Bigfork Valley Foundation
the snowshowing and winter survival workshops during the Bigfork Winter Challenge. |
$250 2009 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$5,000 2000 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$5,000 2000 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$5,000 2001 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
the Community Parish Nurse Project in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2002 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$5,000 2002 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
capital assistance to replace inpatient hospital rooms and construct a new surgical suite. |
$1,000,000 2003 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$8,000 2004 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County during 2006. |
$10,000 2005 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County during 2007. |
$12,500 2006 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor Program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2007 |
Bigfork Valley Hospital
sustaining assistance for the Home Visitor program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2009 |
BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota
developing the capability and instrustructure needed to commercialize bioscience-based technology, create jobs and improve the status of the economy throughout rural Minnesota |
$250,000 2008 |
Bird Island Economic Dev. Authority
the Get Broadband Program through the Public Policy and Engagement Initiative. |
$4,600 2005 |
Blackduck Area Memorial History Center
intercultural activities and opportunities for the Blackduck area. |
$5,000 2006 |
Blackduck High School
a weight training/exercise facility for the Blackduck school and community. |
$5,000 2005 |
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa Indians
the Get Broadband Program. |
$10,000 2005 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
general operating assistance for your organization. |
$30,000 2001 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
your organization during 2003. |
$30,000 2002 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
continued operating support for the Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center in 2004. |
$65,500 2003 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
sustaining assistance for the Youth Center in Bovey. |
$55,000 2004 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
operating assistance for your organization during 2006 and 2007. |
$134,000 2005 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
Children First! 2005 Bovey/Coleraine New Year's Eve celebration. |
$3,560 2005 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$3,600 2006 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
continued operating assistance for the Youth Center during 2008. |
$80,000 2007 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
the Children First 2007 New Year's Eve Celebration in Coleraine at Longyear Park on Monday, December 31. |
$3,810 2007 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
continued operating assistance during 2009. |
$85,000 2008 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
the New Year's Eve community party as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$3,810 2008 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
continued operating assistance for the Youth Center in 2010-11. |
$170,000 2009 |
Bovey/Coleraine Youth Center Inc
Bovey/Coleraine New Year's Eve Party as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$3,850 2009 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of White Earth Res
a feasibility study of opening more clubs in the villages of Waubun, Callaway, Rice Lake, Elbow Lake and White Earth |
$5,000 2007 |
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
operating assistance of the Boys and Girls Club in the Ball Club area. |
$50,000 2005 |
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,800 2006 |
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
continued operating assistance for the Boys and Girls Club in Deer River. |
$60,000 2007 |
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
the Children First New Year celebration for Deer River area families on Friday, December 21, at the Deer River High School. |
$1,500 2007 |
Boys and Girls Club of the Leech Lake Area
continued operating assistance for the Boys and Girls Club in Deer River. |
$75,000 2008 |
Brainerd Lakes Area C of C Education Assn
the Bridges Workplace Connection program. |
$50,000 2007 |
Brainerd Lakes Area Development Corp
technical assistance for the Brainerd river front visioning initiative. |
$5,000 2009 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
continued assistance for your organization. |
$29,000 2001 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
continued operating assistance for the Bridges Kinship Mentoring Program through 2003. |
$9,500 2003 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
your organization in 2004. |
$15,000 2003 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
sustaining assistance to provide mentoring opportunities for young people in the Itasca County area. |
$20,000 2004 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
your annual board retreat. |
$950 2005 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
sustaining assistance to provide mentoring opportunities for young people in the Itasca County area. |
$23,000 2005 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
sustaining assistance to provide mentoring opportunities for young people in the Itasca County area. |
$40,000 2006 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
sustaining assistance to provide mentoring opportunties for young people in the Itasca County area. |
$80,000 2007 |
Bridges Kinship Mentoring
sustaining assistance to provide mentoring opportunities for young poeple in the Itasca County area. |
$80,000 2009 |
Bridging Brown County
technical assistance to further the work of the Bridging Brown County FARM team as a result of the Community Advantage Leadership Program. |
$4,300 2005 |
Brown County Economic Dev Partners
strategic exploration activities to strengthen economic opportunities in Brown County. |
$5,000 2008 |
Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce Fdn
participation in the Cambridge Leadership Program. |
$2,200 2005 |
Camp Fire USA
continued operating assistance for the Grand Rapids area Camp Fire program. |
$20,000 2001 |
Camp Fire USA
sustaining assistance for the Camp Fire program in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2002 |
Camp Fire USA
sustaining assistance for the Camp Fire program in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2003 |
Camp Fire USA
sustaining assistance for Camp Fire programming in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2004 |
Carpenter Township
building upgrades for the satellite fire station used by the Bearville Fire Department. |
$1,500 2007 |
Cass County
capital and start-up assistance for the Remer Soo Line Depot Visitors Center. |
$100,000 2002 |
Cass County Economic Development Corp
membership support to promote economic development efforts in the Remer area. |
$2,000 2006 |
Cass County Economic Development Corp
of membership assistance for 2008. |
$2,000 2007 |
Cass County Economic Development Corp
membership support for 2009. |
$2,500 2008 |
Cass County Economic Development Corp
membership assistance for 2010. |
$2,500 2009 |
Centennial Rotary Club of Grand Rapids
the Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner. |
$1,500 2005 |
Centennial Rotary Club of Grand Rapids
the annual community Thanksgiving dinner. |
$1,700 2006 |
Centennial Rotary Club of Grand Rapids
the community Thanksgiving dinner. |
$1,086 2007 |
Centennial Rotary Club of Grand Rapids
annual Thanksgiving Dinner. |
$1,700 2008 |
Centennial Rotary Club of Grand Rapids
the 2009 annual community Thanksgiving dinner. |
$1,586 2009 |
Center For Independent Living
the Ramp Project in the Grand Rapids/Itasca County area. |
$14,000 2000 |
Center For Rural Policy & Development
operating assistance for the Center for Rural Policy and Development over the next two years. |
$200,000 2000 |
Center For Rural Policy & Development
the inaugural issue of the Rural Minnesota Journal. |
$2,500 2005 |
Center For Rural Policy & Development
establishing and supporting a statewide rural civic engagement program and to enhance organization development throughout rural Minnesota. |
$265,000 2006 |
Center For Rural Policy & Development
CRPD's policy research activities throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2009 |
Central Iron Range Initiative
furthering the work and development of mining pits located between communities on the Central Iron Range. |
$60,000 2004 |
Central Iron Range Initiative
the facilitation and costs of a retreat to revitalize the memberhsip and strategy of the Central Iron Range Initiative. |
$7,500 2008 |
Centro Campesino, Inc.
general operating assistance. |
$80,000 2009 |
Centro Legal Inc.
a donation for legal and advocacy work for disadvantaged Latinos throughout the state. |
$250 2008 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
membership in your organization. |
$2,500 2000 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
your organization. |
$2,500 2000 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
your organization. |
$2,500 2001 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
your organization. |
$2,500 2002 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
membership assistance during 2004. |
$2,500 2003 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
sustaining assistance to help provide information and education to donors and charities throughout Minnesota. |
$3,000 2004 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
sustaining assistance to help provide information and education to donors and charities throughout Minnesota. |
$3,000 2005 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
sustaining assistance to help provide information and education to donors and charities throughout Minnesota. |
$3,000 2006 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
sustaining assistance to help provide information and education to donors and charities throughout Minnesota. |
$6,000 2007 |
Charities Review Council of Minnesota
sustaining assistance to help provide information and education to donors and charities throughout Minnesota. |
$8,000 2009 |
Cherish our Children Council
the Illuminations workshop on childhood sexual abuse. |
$3,100 2007 |
Cherish our Children Council
of the presentation by John Crudele on healthy behaviors for youth. |
$750 2009 |
Cherish our Children Council
the Cherish our Children Carnival as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2009 |
Childcare Resources and Referral
assisting day care providers to get back in operation after the flood damage. |
$30,508 2007 |
Children's Mental Health Services/REACH
the "Helping Each Other Grow" project as part of the Children First! Initiative. |
$230,000 2001 |
Children's Theatre Company
touring performances in 2001-02. |
$20,000 2000 |
Children's Theatre Company
sustaining assistance for touring performances in 2002-03. |
$20,000 2001 |
Children's Theatre Company
sustaining assistance for touring performances in 2003-04. |
$20,000 2002 |
Citizens League
the Minesota Anniversary Project. |
$5,000 2006 |
Citizens League
MAP 150 throughout rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2007 |
City of Aitkin
technical assistance to initiate an Aitkin Portal on the Aitkin Chamber of Comerce web site. |
$5,000 2006 |
City of Albert Lea
a feasibility study of arts development opportunities. |
$3,000 2008 |
City of Benson
the Local Purchasing Project. |
$925 2006 |
City of Bigfork
updating the layout plan for the Bigfork Airport. |
$9,400 2008 |
City of Biwabik
long-term strategic planning purposes. |
$5,000 2008 |
City of Blackduck
the Community-wide 2001 Pride Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$86,000 2000 |
City of Blackduck
phase III of the Blackduck Community-Wide Pride project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$124,600 2001 |
City of Blackduck
a feasibility study for a youth center. |
$4,000 2009 |
City of Bovey
of the Greenway Sports Complex. |
$5,000 2008 |
City of Bovey
upgrades to the West Range Senior Citizens Center. |
$2,500 2008 |
City of Calumet
the Southside Playground. |
$5,000 2000 |
City of Calumet
a donation toward furnishings for the City of Calumet library. |
$500 2006 |
City of Calumet
upgrades for the City of Calumet library computers. |
$2,000 2007 |
City of Calumet
purchasing "Welcome to Calumet" banners. |
$1,000 2009 |
City of Cambridge
capital and planning support to redevelop the Regional Treatment Center campus as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$375,000 2003 |
City of Cambridge
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$15,000 2005 |
City of Cannon Falls
helping the community move forward with a plan to manage growth within the Cannon Falls area. |
$5,000 2005 |
City of Coleraine
capital assistance to restore the "Old Log Church." |
$40,300 2000 |
City of Coleraine
capital assistance for Phase II of the Mt. Itasca Ski Complex project. |
$336,600 2001 |
City of Coleraine
capital assistance for economic development projects at Eagle Ridge Golf Course. |
$100,000 2001 |
City of Coleraine
capital assistance for Mount Itasca Ski Hill. |
$310,000 2004 |
City of Coleraine
restoration of Cotton Park beach in Coleraine. |
$1,000 2005 |
City of Coleraine
computer equipment for the Coleraine Public Library. |
$2,000 2007 |
City of Coleraine
Story Time at the Coleraine Public Library as part of Children First. |
$500 2008 |
City of Coleraine
a new sign for the City of Coleraine. |
$1,000 2008 |
City of Coleraine
Weekly Story Time as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$230 2009 |
City of Crosby
capital assistance for a Skate Board Park as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$40,000 2001 |
City of Deer River
a new fire truck for the Deer River Fire Department. |
$50,000 2000 |
City of Deer River
Deer River Little League equipment and improvements. |
$2,500 2005 |
City of Deer River
Children First! Colonial New Year's Celebration in Deer River |
$1,000 2005 |
City of Deer River
the Deer River Easter Egg Hunt as part ofthe 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
City of Deer River
the Community Easter Egg Hunt as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2009 |
City of Ely
exploring geothermal heating options primarily for Vermilion Community College. |
$5,000 2009 |
City of Fairmont
the Chain of Lakes - Connecting the Link project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$131,508 2001 |
City of Fairmont
Phase II of the Chain of Lakes - Connecting the Links project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$382,350 2002 |
City of Fosston
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$15,000 2005 |
City of Grand Rapids
river front development along the Mississippi River. |
$237,115 2000 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Grand Rapids Police Department Car Seat Safety Program as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$5,000 2001 |
City of Grand Rapids
assistance for the Rapids Power Advisory Task Force. |
$240,100 2002 |
City of Grand Rapids
a coordinator position and capital assistance to purchase printed and audio visual materials for the Grand Rapids Public Library. |
$172,000 2004 |
City of Grand Rapids
downtown redevelopment purposes. |
$33,750 2004 |
City of Grand Rapids
capital assistance for construction of a skatepark in Grand Rapids. |
$50,000 2005 |
City of Grand Rapids
a planning grant for the Pokegama Golf Course improvement project. |
$10,000 2005 |
City of Grand Rapids
a new fishing pier to be constructed adjacent to the Grand Rapids Public Library. |
$7,500 2006 |
City of Grand Rapids
programming assistance for the Grand Rapids Public Library. |
$37,500 2006 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Central School Capital Improvement Fund. |
$50,000 2006 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$3,300 2006 |
City of Grand Rapids
completion of the MIssissippi River fishing pier. |
$2,500 2007 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Children First 2007 New Year's Eve Celebration fireworks display on Monday, December 31. |
$3,300 2007 |
City of Grand Rapids
development of a strategic plan for the Grand Rapids Area Library. |
$1,682 2008 |
City of Grand Rapids
the summer reading kick-off event at the Grand Rapids Area Library as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$425 2008 |
City of Grand Rapids
updating the Riverfront Framework Plan in Grand Rapids. |
$35,175 2008 |
City of Grand Rapids
the New Year's Eve fireworks display as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$3,900 2008 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Grand Rapids Library hosting "A Look at the Night Sky" as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$200 2008 |
City of Grand Rapids
the Search Conference being held March 31-April 2, 2009. |
$4,500 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
Book Camp at the Grand Rapids Area Library as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
programming support for the Grand Rapids Public Library. |
$10,000 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
of the Grand Rapids Fire Prevention and Education Program. |
$100 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
the playground, beach, park and accessibility portions of the Pokegama Golf and Park Project. |
$50,000 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
Fireworks 2009 as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County |
$3,900 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
Just Juggle! as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$350 2009 |
City of Grand Rapids
preliminary design work on the Library/Blandin Foundation alternative energy project. |
$3,500 2009 |
City of Hibbing
technical assistance for the Central Iron Range Entrepreneurship Initiative |
$3,200 2005 |
City of Hibbing
bringing fiber technology to Iron Range communities through the Iron Range Community FiberNet initiative. |
$35,941 2007 |
City of Hibbing
a comprehensive brand marketing initiative for the greater Hibbing area. |
$10,000 2009 |
City of Hill City
the Hill City Thrift Shop. |
$1,000 2008 |
City of Hutchinson
conducting research on best practices in business incubation. |
$1,500 2008 |
City of International Falls
a Communitywide Telecommunications Planning project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$33,000 2000 |
City of International Falls
the design phase of a visitor/welcoming center in International Falls. |
$5,000 2007 |
City of Keewatin
a new skateboard park for the City of Keewatin and surrounding area. |
$3,000 2006 |
City of LaPrairie
a new skating rink and playground structure at Ryan Park. |
$20,000 2000 |
City of Longville
a venue for local artists to display and sell their artistic works, as well as teaching their craft. |
$5,000 2007 |
City of Luverne
the Luverne Vision, Involvement and Promise Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$69,524 2000 |
City of Luverne
Phase II of the Luverne VIP (Vision, Involvement and Promise) Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$157,000 2001 |
City of Luverne
Phase III of the Luverne VIP (Vision, Involvement and Promise) project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$100,000 2002 |
City of Mahnomen
project assistance to engage community leaders in defining a long-term strategic direction for the Mahnomen area. |
$75,000 2004 |
City of Marble
two new computers for the Marble Public Library. |
$2,000 2007 |
City of Marble
replacing one of the patron computers and purchasing a networked printer. |
$2,000 2008 |
City of Marble
the purchase and installation of new playground equipment in the city's park and playground area. |
$1,000 2008 |
City of Marble
the Marble Library's Grab and Go Literacy Bag project. |
$1,983 2009 |
City of Morris
the Prairie Renaissance Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$175,000 2000 |
City of Morris
Phase II of the Prairie Renaissance Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$190,000 2001 |
City of New Ulm
technical assistance to assess tourism opportunities for the New Ulm area. |
$5,000 2005 |
City of New Ulm
the community planning retreat for the City of New Ulm. |
$4,000 2007 |
City of New Ulm
increasing the use of broadband internet by both consumers and local retailers as a way for local or smaller retail stores to compete with big box retailers. |
$2,000 2009 |
City of Northome
technical assistance and business planning for the Northome Industrial Park as part of the Blandin Community Leadership Program. |
$5,000 2007 |
City of Northome
upgrades to the entryway of the Kootasca Senior Citizen/Community Center building. |
$1,000 2007 |
City of Northome
capital assistance for upgrades to the Northome Library. |
$5,000 2008 |
City of Northome
construction of a new city sign on Highway 71. |
$2,500 2009 |
City of Ortonville
the Big Stone Lake "Vision for 2010" project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$203,377 2001 |
City of Red Wing
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$15,000 2005 |
City of Remer
development of a comprehensive plan for the Remer area. |
$5,000 2008 |
City of Remer
the Summer Youth Program. |
$1,000 2008 |
City of Squaw Lake
a new community center in Squaw Lake. |
$60,000 2000 |
City of Squaw Lake
Take a Kid Fishing Day as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$400 2008 |
City of Squaw Lake
Take A Kid Fishing Day as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$460 2009 |
City of Squaw Lake
Doggone Family Fun as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$400 2009 |
City of Thief River Falls
the Get Broadband program in the Thief River Falls area. |
$15,000 2004 |
City of Walker C/O City Administrator
the Centering Our Communities: A Proposal for our Future project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$425,000 2002 |
City of Walker C/O City Administrator
start-up and programming assistance associated with the Community Foundation as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$50,000 2002 |
City of Warba
capital assistance for the Recreation Complex Project. |
$25,000 2001 |
City of Waseca
the Waseca, A Caring Community project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$58,220 2000 |
City of Waseca
Phase II of the Waseca, A Caring Community project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$212,000 2001 |
City of Waseca
Phase III of the Waseca, A Caring Community project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$525,000 2002 |
City of Willmar
the Willmar "Vision 2020" project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$75,000 2002 |
City of Willmar
a Nursing Simulation Center on the Willmar Campus of Ridgewater College as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$150,000 2002 |
City of Windom
the Get Broadband program in the Windom area. |
$15,000 2004 |
Civil Air Patrol
an LCD projector to facilitate the training needs of the Civil Air Patrol in Itasca County. |
$250 2005 |
Civil Air Patrol
campus upgrades. |
$1,000 2009 |
Cloquet Forestry Center
facilitating the application of ecosystem classification to silvicultural and stewardship planning and to maintain and restore sustainable, healthy forest ecosystems in Minnesota as part of the Vital Forests/Vital Communities initiative. |
$214,893 2004 |
Cloquet Forestry Center
the Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative and to implement recommendations from that initiative throughout rural Minnesota. |
$40,000 2009 |
Coalition of African Community Services of Kandiyohi County
fostering economic development among the diverse population in the southwest region of Minnesota. |
$45,000 2007 |
Cohasset Economic Development Authority
the Get Broadband program in the Cohasset area. |
$10,000 2004 |
College of St. Scholastica Inc
project assistance to conduct research into best practice models for health care information technology throughout rural Minnesota. |
$10,000 2004 |
College of St. Scholastica Inc
the Health Information Technology initiative in northeastern Minnesota. |
$50,000 2004 |
College of St. Scholastica Inc
developing best practices in teaching ethical leadership and social responsibility and infuse lessons learned into business and technology curriculum in rural Minnesota |
$10,000 2008 |
Commonality Youth & Family Development
assisting the transition of Somali immigrants to U.S. culture and the workplace. |
$5,000 2006 |
Community Cafe
sustaining assistance for the Community Cafe. |
$20,000 2004 |
Community Cafe
sustaining assistance for the Community Cafe. |
$20,000 2005 |
Community Cafe
sustaining assistance to help reduce hunger through the Community Cafe in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2006 |
Community Cafe
sustaining assistance to help reduce hunger through the Community Cafe in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2007 |
Community Cafe
sustaining assistance to help reduce hunger through the Community Cafe in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2009 |
Community Health Information Coll.
planning and implementation of improved access to health records across northeast Minnesota. |
$175,000 2006 |
Community of Spang
capital assistance to construct a town hall/community center. |
$50,000 2002 |
Community Reinvestment Fund
revitalizing low-income communities throughout rural Minnesota by providing support for emerging entrepreneurs. |
$200,000 2006 |
Community Reinvestment Fund
a program-related investment (loan) to support business development throughout rural Minnesota. |
$250,000 2008 |
Community Resource Connections, Inc.
reducing high suicide rates in northern Beltrami, south Koochiching and western Itasca counties. |
$45,000 2008 |
Community Services Council
your organization. |
$15,400 2000 |
Community Services Council
your organization. |
$15,400 2000 |
Cook County Higher Education
operating and program assistance for the Distance Education Resource Center in Grand Marais. |
$125,000 2008 |
Cooperative Solutions
your organization. |
$40,000 2002 |
Cooperative Solutions
your organization during 2004. |
$40,000 2003 |
Cooperative Solutions
sustaining assistance for family mediation services in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2004 |
Cooperative Solutions
sustaining assistance to provide mediation and facilitation services to individuals and families in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2005 |
Cooperative Solutions
the participation of members of the Itasca County Children's Justice Initiative in Parallel Protection Process training. |
$10,000 2006 |
Cooperative Solutions
sustaining assistance for family mediation services in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2006 |
Cooperative Solutions
sustaining assistance for mediation services in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2007 |
Cooperative Solutions
the Early Case Management/Early Neutral Evaluation pilot program. |
$5,000 2009 |
Cooperative Solutions
sustaining assistance for mediation services in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2009 |
Cooperative Solutions - Bloomington
continued assistance for the Mediation Center and Safe and Secure Families and Communities Initiative. |
$60,000 2002 |
Corporation for Supportive Housing
conducting a reservation companion survey to include in the tri-annual Statewide Homeless Survey in Minnesota. |
$25,000 2006 |
Corporation for Supportive Housing
the MN American Indian tribes supportive housing initiative throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2008 |
Corporation for Supportive Housing
updating the 2009 Reservation Homeless Survey throughout rural Minnesota. |
$10,000 2009 |
County of Cook
technical assistance to conduct a land use plan for the Grand Marais area. |
$2,500 2006 |
two northern teachers participating in the "Discover Science on the Range in the Field of Energy" workshop to be held at the Laurentian Environmental Center this summer. |
$5,000 2008 |
Cuyuna Lakes Trail Association
developing a multi-use trail system as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$55,000 2001 |
Cuyuna Lakes Trail Association
phase II of the Mining for the Future project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$20,000 2002 |
Cuyuna Range Joint Powers Econ. Dev. Aut
trails development as part of the Inter-Community Grant Program. |
$20,000 2000 |
Dakota Wicohan
two AmeriCorps positions to work with Dakota youthy in the Lower Sioux community. |
$5,000 2009 |
Dakota Wicohan
the two AmericCorps positions working with Dakota youth. |
$5,000 2009 |
Deer River HealthCare Center, Inc
capital improvements to the hospital. |
$450,000 2000 |
Deer River HealthCare Center, Inc
capital assistance to update the emergency department, birthing areas and capital improvements to the surgical suite in Itasca County. |
$1,500,000 2005 |
Deer River Police Department
a car seat safety program for the Deer River area. |
$200 2005 |
Deer River Police Department
the child safety seat program. |
$250 2007 |
Deer River White Oak Society, Inc.
a donation towards the 19th annual White Oak Rendezvous August 3-5, 2007. |
$500 2007 |
Deer River White Oak Society, Inc.
the White Oak Rendezvous 20th anniversary and the State's 150th anniversary. |
$500 2008 |
Deer River White Oak Society, Inc.
of the annual White Oak Sled Dog Classic. |
$500 2009 |
Deer River White Oak Society, Inc.
the 2010 White Oak Classic Sled Dog Race. |
$500 2009 |
Depot Commons Association
a tourism study of the Grand Rapids area. |
$55,000 2000 |
Depot Commons Association
operating assistance for the Linking Learning to Life School-to-Work Partnership. |
$70,000 2002 |
Depot Commons Association
the Grand Rapids Youth Leadership for Vital Communities Initiative. |
$25,000 2004 |
Depot Commons Association
continued assistance for the Workforce Development Initiative in Itasca County. |
$80,000 2005 |
Depot Commons Association
continued assistance for the Grand Rapids Youth Leadership for Vital Communities initiative. |
$106,000 2005 |
Depot Commons Association
continued assistance for the Workforce Development Initiative in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2006 |
Depot Commons Association
the Arlington TX workforce development delegation's visit to Grand Rapids to present their Employer Intermediary Model. |
$4,900 2006 |
Depot Commons Association
continued assistance for the Youth Leadership for Vital Communities initiative in Itasca County. |
$110,000 2006 |
Depot Commons Association
a Grand Rapids Branding Initiative. |
$38,000 2007 |
Depot Commons Association
the building trades study for northeast Minnesota. |
$7,500 2007 |
Depot Commons Association
workforce development initiatives in Itasca County. |
$500 2007 |
Depot Commons Association
the Workforce Development Initiative in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2008 |
Depot Commons Association
the Habitat Youth Build program. |
$1,000 2008 |
Depot Commons Association
the Greater Grand Rapids Job Fair scheduled for October 29, 2008. |
$1,000 2008 |
Depot Commons Association
attendance at educational and workforce development policy discussions in Washington D.C. |
$1,742 2008 |
Depot Commons Association
continued assistance for the Youth Leadership for Vital Communities initiative in Itasca County. |
$12,500 2009 |
Depot Commons Association
implementation of the Community Branding effort in the Itasca County area. |
$50,000 2009 |
Depot Commons Association
participating in the national Education, Employment and Training Committee sponsored by the US Chamber of Commerce. |
$1,000 2009 |
Depot Commons Association
the 2009 Greater Grand Rapids Job Fair. |
$1,500 2009 |
Dovetail Partners
an Eco-Affordable Housing program throughout rural communities in Minnesota. |
$50,000 2007 |
Dovetail Partners
the Eco-Affordable Housing and Minnesota-Made Home projects throughout rural Minnesota. |
$25,000 2008 |
Dovetail Partners
the Minnesota Northwoods Carbon Credit Partnership in northern Minnesota. |
$20,000 2008 |
Duluth Seaway Port Authority
a challenge grant to fund a feasibility study on construction of a centralized pigment handling and intermodal distribution facility as part of the Vital Forests/Vital Communities initiative. |
$10,300 2004 |
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
your educational outreach programs. |
$13,500 2000 |
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
sustaining assistance for your educatinal outreach programs. |
$14,000 2001 |
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
sustaining assistance for your educational outreach programs. |
$14,000 2002 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
the Venture North program. |
$17,500 2000 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
your organization. |
$17,500 2000 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
an educational web site on the six-part documentary television series on the history and contemporary culture of the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe people. |
$17,000 2002 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
your organization. |
$15,000 2002 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
Venture North during 2004. |
$15,000 2003 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
sustaining assistance for the production of Venture North throughout rural Minnesota. |
$15,000 2004 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
sustaining assistance for production of Venture North throughout rural Minnesota during 2006. |
$15,000 2005 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
sustaining assistance for the production of Venture North and Native Report throughout rural Minnesota. |
$25,000 2006 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
sustaining assistance for the production of Venture North and Native Report throughout rural Minnesota in 2008 and 2009. |
$50,000 2007 |
Duluth-Superior Educational TV Corp.
sustaining assistance for the production of Venture North and Native Report throughout rural Minnesota in 2010 and 2011. |
$50,000 2009 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
planning funds for community walking trails. |
$4,000 2007 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
capital assistance for the Eagleview Community Technology Center in Itasca County. |
$14,000 2007 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
Lego League Rookie Event as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2008 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
the White Oak Sled Dog Race: Read and Write All About It as part of the Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
Children's Earth Day as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$350 2009 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
the Robotics Up North (RUN) for Achievement program. |
$10,000 2009 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
general operations to sustain activities in the S. Lake area. |
$66,000 2009 |
Eagleview Community Foundation
Cabin Fever Community Family Fun Day as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$300 2009 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
capital assistance for the Bigfork Fine Arts Center in Itasca County. |
$75,000 2005 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
the Gordon Campbell Memorial Athletic Complex. |
$5,000 2005 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
the 2008 summer Stages Theater production of You're A Good Man Charlie Brown. |
$2,500 2008 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
bringing Monroe Crossing to the Edge Center in October 2009. |
$1,000 2009 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
Wilderness Days in June 2010. |
$250 2009 |
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center
The Laramie Project. |
$2,500 2009 |
EdVisions Schools Inc
producing a Center for School Change handbook outlining experiences and lessons learned over the past ten years. |
$34,500 2001 |
EdVisions Schools Inc
the Hope Study project in rural school districts, especially those with high rates of Latino and Native American students. |
$147,000 2007 |
operating assistance over the next three years. |
$105,000 2004 |
board development training. |
$1,000 2005 |
ongoing assistance and start-up support for an Adult Day Service in the Itasca County area. |
$100,000 2007 |
a donation for computer upgrades for the AARP Tax Aide Program in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2008 |
enhanced marketing efforts for volunteer recruitment. |
$7,500 2008 |
general operating assistance through 2009. |
$10,000 2009 |
sustaining assistance during 2010 and 2011. |
$60,000 2009 |
Ely Area Development Association
creating new business opportunity for contract manufacturing/prototype development and locally designed products. |
$50,000 2006 |
Ely Area Development Association
promoting local innovation in the Ely area as part of Project Firefly. |
$50,000 2007 |
Enterprise Minnesota
your TAF-Web initiative. |
$15,000 2005 |
Enterprise Minnesota
Phase II of the Minnesota Value Chain Management Program throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2005 |
Enterprise Minnesota
developing and pilot-testing a Business Growth Planning Tool to assist small and medium sized manufacturing firms throughout rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2007 |
Enterprise Minnesota
regional sponsorship for the second annual State of Manufacturing poll to be conducted in early January 2010 |
$5,000 2009 |
Entrepreneur's Assistance Network
creating a multi-media, business information center and research assistance for entrepreneurs within a three-county area in western Minnesota. |
$40,000 2006 |
Experimental Aviation Association
your organization's educational programs. |
$500 2008 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
your organization. |
$25,000 2000 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
your organization. |
$25,000 2000 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
your organization. |
$25,000 2001 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
your organization during 2003. |
$25,000 2002 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for your organization in 2004. |
$30,000 2003 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for your organization in 2005. |
$35,000 2004 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for emergency, information and referral services in Itasca County. |
$45,000 2005 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for emergency, information and referral services in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2006 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for emergency, information and referral services in Itasca County during 2008 and 2009. |
$90,000 2007 |
First Call for Help of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for emergency, information and referral services in Itasca County during 2010 and 2011. |
$100,000 2009 |
Forget-Me-Not Foundation
a new heating system for the indoor riding arena. |
$5,000 2009 |
Friends For Animal Welfare, Inc.
costs associated with printing the Itasca Area Nonprofit Gift Guide. |
$3,000 2005 |
Friends For Animal Welfare, Inc.
publishing the Itasca Area Nonprofit Giving Guide. |
$606 2007 |
Friends For Animal Welfare, Inc.
publishing and printing and Itasca Area Nonprofit Guide in Itasca County. |
$4,950 2007 |
Friends of the Minnesota Valley
Creating Entrepreneurship Opportunities through Natural Resource Conservation project in southern Minnesota. |
$5,000 2009 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2000 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
the Girl Scout programs in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2000 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2001 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2002 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2003 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts Program in Itasca County. |
$7,000 2004 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$7,500 2005 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2006 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scout program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2007 |
Girl Scouts of MN and WI Lakes and Pines
sustaining assistance for the Girl Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2009 |
Giziibii RC&D Association
outreach to small private woodland owners. |
$6,300 2007 |
Goodland Township
the Goodland Volunteer Fire Department's purchase of a new ATV and trailer. |
$250 2008 |
Goodwill/Easter Seals
of your Public Policy/Community Engagement initiative. |
$25,000 2006 |
Grace House of Itasca County
continued operating assistance and day center strategic planning in Itasca County. |
$47,500 2006 |
Grace House of Itasca County
operating and planning assistance for the GRACE House homeless shelter in Grand Rapids. |
$80,000 2007 |
Grace House of Itasca County
a feasibility study of the capital and operational aspects of a permanent housing shelter in Grand Rapds. |
$4,000 2007 |
Grace House of Itasca County
capital and operating assistance to continue and expand services to those who are homeless in Itasca County. |
$215,000 2008 |
Grace House of Itasca County
operating assistance of the shelter and day center services in the Itasca County area. |
$50,000 2009 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
construction of a new health care campus in Grand Rapids. |
$20,000,000 2002 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
Sprouting Roots and Hiking Boots in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$250 2007 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
Quick Steps for Kids as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$400 2008 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
of the Go for the Gold Grand Olympics 2008 as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
Quick Steps for Kids as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital
Science Explosion! as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$800 2009 |
Grand Itasca Foundation
a Public Access Defibrillation program for Itasca County. |
$5,000 2006 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Itasca County Sharing Fund. |
$90,000 2000 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continuation funding to facilitate and encourage the development of trails in Itasca County. |
$75,000 2000 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
Promoting Independence through Education project as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$10,000 2001 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued operating assistance for your organization. |
$186,000 2001 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
capital assistance for the Bigfork Fine Arts Center. |
$450,000 2001 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued assistance for the Itasca County Sharing Fund. |
$90,000 2003 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued operating assistance for your organization. |
$279,000 2003 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Friends of the Forest History Center for operating support and implementation of a marketing plan. |
$195,000 2003 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
project assistance for the Lake States Region Teachers Tour in Grand Rapids in 2004 and 2005. |
$4,000 2004 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Baby Steps Boutique and Step Ahead parent resource/education center. |
$136,200 2004 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
supplemental assistance for the Itasca County Sharing Fund. |
$10,000 2004 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued assistance for the Promoting Independence through Education project. |
$4,361 2005 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued assistance for the Itasca County Sharing Fund. |
$100,000 2005 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
a 1:2 matching grant for operations and marketing plan for the Friends of the Forest History Center. |
$47,041 2005 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
Moms' Springtime in Paris as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$400 2005 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued assistance for the Itasca County Trails Task Force to facilitate and encourage the development of trails in Itasca County. |
$200,000 2005 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
initiating training opportunities for nonprofits and volunteers in Itasca County. |
$15,000 2006 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued operating assistance. |
$270,000 2006 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Itasca County Sharing Fund in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Enneagram Seminar being held March 9-11, 2007, at Ruttger's Sugar Lake Lodge. |
$2,000 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
of the regional scholarship website. |
$9,000 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
a Rural Leadership Access Fund for individuals throughout rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
purchasing Tracker, a phenology software program, and to pay for training costs to implement phenology into the 5th grade curriculum in Itasca County schools. |
$3,408 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
bringing the Power Team to northern Minnesota. |
$16,500 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
purchasing ScholarMatch software. |
$5,000 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Nursing Assistant Class and Certification Loan Program. |
$4,500 2007 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
participation of northern Minnesota community members in forest education-related events. |
$43,047 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
septic system improvements at the Truman-Blakesly American Legion Post's public facilities. |
$1,000 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
matching support for the Itasca County Area Forest Legacy Fund in 2007 and 2008. |
$10,000 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the 2007 Community Report. |
$500 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued support of the Rural Access Leadership Fund. |
$30,000 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
supplemental assistance for the Itasca County Sharing Fund in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
publishing and printing the 2008 Itasca Area Nonprofit Guide in Itasca County. |
$4,800 2008 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued assistance for the Itasca County Sharing Fund. |
$150,000 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Mental Health Awareness Walk being held in May. |
$250 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
the Rural Access Leadership Fund. |
$30,000 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued support of the Rural Access Leadership Fund. |
$9,700 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
of the 2009 Charitable Giving Guide. |
$4,800 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
extending the Forest History Center's operations during the summer and fall season of 2009. |
$5,000 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation
continued operating assistance through 2012. |
$270,000 2009 |
Grand Rapids Area Male Chorus
purchasing new uniforms for the Blandin Male Chorus and to upgrade musicial equipment. |
$4,000 2002 |
Grand Rapids Area Male Chorus
general operations for the Chorus. |
$750 2005 |
Grand Rapids Band Boosters
capital assistance for band equipment. |
$25,000 2005 |
Grand Rapids Band Boosters
the 2006-07 Grand Rapids Band Boosters calendar. |
$500 2006 |
Grand Rapids Band Boosters
advertising the Educational Awards Program in the 2007-08 band calendar. |
$550 2007 |
Grand Rapids Band Boosters
advertising the Blandin Educational Awards Program in the 2008-09 band calendar. |
$550 2008 |
Grand Rapids Band Boosters
advertising the Blandin Foundation's Educational Awards Program in the 2009-10 Band Activities Calendar. |
$550 2009 |
Grand Rapids Economic Dev. Authority
a program-related investment for redevelopment purposes in downtown Grand Rapids. |
$624,500 2007 |
Grand Rapids Economic Dev. Authority
the Commerical Building Improvement Loan program in the Itasca County area. |
$175,000 2008 |
Grand Rapids Library Foundation
a communitywide campaign to increase service hours, restore book budgets and other operating/program efforts. |
$40,000 2004 |
Grand Rapids Library Foundation
the Grand Rapids Area Library Foundation. |
$400 2008 |
Grand Rapids Show Boat Inc
Showboat's 50th anniversary traveling exhibit for Itasca County. |
$500 2005 |
Grand Rapids Show Boat Inc
advertising in the Grand Raids Showboat brochure. |
$150 2007 |
Grand Rapids Show Boat Inc
advertising for Showboat. |
$150 2008 |
Grand Rapids Show Boat Inc
advertising in the Showboat program. |
$150 2009 |
Grand Rapids Show Boat Inc
boat repairs and upgrades. |
$10,000 2009 |
Grand Rapids Summer Celebration Inc
the Tall Timber Days celebration in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. |
$500 2007 |
Grand Rapids Summer Celebration Inc
the 2008 Tall Timber Days. |
$500 2008 |
Grand Rapids Summer Celebration Inc
the 2009 Tall Timber Days event. |
$500 2009 |
Grand Rapids-Itasca County Airport Commission
capital assistance to extend the airport's primary runway. |
$13,000 2004 |
Grand Village Nursing Home
capital assistance to renovate the Itasca Nursing Home. |
$200,000 2000 |
Grand Village Nursing Home
a donation for Grand Village. |
$200 2007 |
Grand Village Nursing Home
a donation to the Physical Therapy Department |
$250 2008 |
Great River Arts Association
the Footsteps to our Future project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$150,000 2000 |
Great River Arts Association
Phase II of the Footsteps to our Future project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$265,000 2001 |
Great River Arts Association
Phase III of the Footsteps to our Future project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$211,802 2002 |
Great Woods North
general operations to promote the use of conservation subdivisions. |
$10,000 2008 |
Greater Bemidji Inc
reuse planning of the Ainsworth OSB facility in Bemidji. |
$10,000 2009 |
Greater Mankato Diversity Council
expanding your Prejudice Reduction workshops. |
$1,000 2008 |
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
providing affordable housing to residents in rural Minnesota communities. |
$8,000,000 2000 |
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
continued assistance to create affordable housing for families throughout rural Minnesota. |
$4,000,000 2004 |
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
relief efforts for southeastern Minnesota families and communities affected by flood. |
$750,000 2007 |
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
continued assistance to create affordable housing for families throughout rural Minnesota. |
$2,000,000 2008 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
land acquisition of the Chisholm Island Scientific and Natural Area on Pokegama Lake. |
$10,000 2001 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
a donation towards the 2005 Independence Day Fireworks display on Drumbeater Island, Pokegama Lake. |
$1,000 2005 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
the 2006 Independence Day Fireworks. |
$1,000 2006 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
the annual 4th of July fireworks display on Pokegama Lake. |
$1,000 2007 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
the 4th of July fireworks display. |
$1,000 2008 |
Greater Pokegama Lake Association
the annual Independence Day Fireworks on Pokegama Lake. |
$1,000 2009 |
Greater Twin Cities United Way
the Early Childhood Statewide Business Plan. |
$20,000 2008 |
Greenway High School
of the 2009 yearbook. |
$360 2008 |
Greenway High School
advertising the Blandin Educational Awards program in the Greenway Blast. |
$360 2009 |
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
a donation for the Jennie Guyer Fishing Tournament fundraiser for new softball fields for the Greenway School District. |
$200 2005 |
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
a donation for the 2007 Jennie Guyer Fishing Tournament fundraiser for new softballs fields for the Greenway School District. |
$200 2006 |
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
the Jennie Guyer Ice Fishing Tournament. |
$200 2008 |
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
the 6th annual Jennie Guyer Fishing Tournament. |
$200 2009 |
Greenway Senior Citizens Club
capital assistance to replace the furnace at the Senior Citizens Center. |
$2,000 2002 |
Growth and Justice
the Rethinking Public Education project in rural Minnesota. |
$45,000 2007 |
Growth and Justice
TPT coverage for the education summit "Smart Investments in Minnesota's Students." |
$5,000 2007 |
Guthrie Theater Foundation
sponsoring the participation of Grand Rapids/Itasca County schools in the Guthrie's Education Program. |
$25,000 2000 |
Guthrie Theater Foundation
sustaining assistance to sponsor the participation of Grand Rapids/Itasca County schools in the Guthrie's Education Program. |
$25,000 2001 |
Guthrie Theater Foundation
sustaining assistance for participation of Grand Rapids/Itasca County schools in the Guthrie's Education Program. |
$25,000 2002 |
Habitat for Humanity of Itasca County
operating assistance for housing development in Itasca County. |
$196,300 2004 |
Habitat for Humanity of Itasca County
continued operating assistance in Itasca County. |
$143,000 2007 |
Habitat for Humanity of Itasca County
sustaining assistance for low-income housing development in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2009 |
Harbor Friends
technical assistance to conduct a study of marinas around Lake Superior as part of the Community Advantage Leadership Program. |
$5,000 2006 |
Head of the Lakes United Way
a strategic planning process for the Early Literacy Coalition. |
$5,000 2009 |
Head of the Lakes United Way
the Heading Home St. Louis initiative. |
$5,000 2009 |
Headwaters Regional Dev Commission
establishing a Community Stewardship Center for rural Minnesota communities. |
$225,000 2006 |
Headwaters Regional Dev Commission
implementation of the race relations initiative in the Bemidji area. |
$25,000 2007 |
Headwaters Regional Dev Commission
coordination support of community working groups for Bemidji Leads. |
$10,000 2008 |
Headwaters Regional Dev Commission
the Bemidji area's Shared Vision Initiative. |
$10,000 2009 |
Hibbing Community/Technical College
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$2,250 2005 |
Hibbing Community/Technical College
the Focus on India conference being held December 11, 2008, at Hibbing Community College. |
$1,000 2008 |
Hibbing Economic Development Authority
a market analysis study for the Hibbing area. |
$5,000 2006 |
Hope House Of Itasca County
planning and design for a new rural facility for residential chemical dependency treatment in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2008 |
Hope House Of Itasca County
capital assistance to construct a chemical dependency residential treatment men's facility in Itasca County. |
$250,000 2008 |
Iftiin, Inc.
serving the East African refugees living in Marshall. |
$1,000 2008 |
Illusion Theater and School Inc
sustaining assistance for touring performances in rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2000 |
Illusion Theater and School Inc
sustaining assistance for touring performances in rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2001 |
Illusion Theater and School Inc
sustaining assistance for education programs in rural Minnesota communities. |
$20,000 2002 |
Immigrant Credit Education & Financial Counseling
the Tax Resolution Services for Disadvantaged Immigrants projects throughout rural Minnesota. |
$10,000 2006 |
Immigrant Development Center
technical assistance delivery to immigrants in the State of Minnesota. |
$10,000 2009 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
the Northland Car Seat Safety Clinic on May 2. |
$200 2005 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
the Quad County Collaborative Online Learning Initiative in Itasca County. |
$525,000 2005 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
the car seat safety clinic being held October 24, 2006. |
$200 2006 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
providing preschool education to children in the Remer School District. |
$150,000 2007 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
continued assistance for the Northland Early Childhood Collaborative in the Remer area. |
$150,000 2009 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
the first annual Literacy Fair. |
$2,000 2009 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
the fine arts program for grades K-6. |
$1,000 2009 |
Independent School District 118, Remer
a donation towards transportation expenses for the Future Workers event held in Grand Rapids September 29, 2009. |
$75 2009 |
Independent School District 2
capital assistance for the Beerbower Veterans Memorial Project. |
$2,000 2003 |
Independent School District 2
the Hill City Early Childhood Carnival as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$235 2005 |
Independent School District 2
a Summer Youth Day Camp program and Youth Leadership Board as part of the Hill City KIDS PLUS program. |
$30,000 2006 |
Independent School District 2
the Hill City Early Childhood Carnival as part of the Children First! 2006 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$230 2006 |
Independent School District 2
a donation to the Hill City High School Super Mileage Team. |
$100 2007 |
Independent School District 2
the Hill City Children's Museum field trip in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2007 |
Independent School District 2
the Grad-Blast party on May 31, 2007. |
$500 2007 |
Independent School District 2
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 2
implementation of early childhood programming in the Hill City School District. |
$75,000 2008 |
Independent School District 2
the Second Annual All Nigh Grad Blast for Hill City High School's Class of 2008. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 2
Dental Health for Kids program in the Hill City School District. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 2
the Early Start Program in the Itasca County area. |
$150,000 2009 |
Independent School District 2
the All Night Grad Blast being held on Friday, May 29, 2009. |
$500 2009 |
Independent School District 2170
planning and implementation of theme-based educational opportunities for students in the Staples Motley School District. |
$50,000 2008 |
Independent School District 2853
offsetting registration fees for participants of the Internet and Email Basics classes. |
$2,000 2009 |
Independent School District 316
the Early Childhood Family Education program as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$5,700 2001 |
Independent School District 316
capital assistance for playground equipment at VanDyke Elementary School. |
$3,000 2003 |
Independent School District 316
Greenway High School's Post Prom Party. |
$400 2006 |
Independent School District 316
Will Hale concerts in the Deer River and Marble elementary schools as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$900 2006 |
Independent School District 316
Project Lead the Way at Greenway High School. |
$49,000 2007 |
Independent School District 316
Greenway High Schools's Day of Caring. |
$150 2007 |
Independent School District 316
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 316
Family Read Night as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 316
Stargazing with WDIO Meteorologist Mike Lynch as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 316
community dialogue and strategic planning activities for the Greenway and Deer River school districts. |
$10,000 2008 |
Independent School District 316
Greenway High School's 2009 Post Prom activities. |
$650 2009 |
Independent School District 316
Literacy at the Lake as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$375 2009 |
Independent School District 316
student transportation for the Future Workers event. |
$150 2009 |
Independent School District 318
the Debate Program. |
$6,000 2000 |
Independent School District 318
the all day every day Kindergarten program within the School District. |
$256,500 2000 |
Independent School District 318
transportation costs to the Guthrie for Grand Rapids area students. |
$3,200 2000 |
Independent School District 318
the Squaw Lake Preschool Program as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$4,800 2000 |
Independent School District 318
the Debate Program. |
$5,000 2000 |
Independent School District 318
sustaining assistance for the Debate Program. |
$5,000 2001 |
Independent School District 318
matching assistance for the Early Childhood Family Education program as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$3,037 2002 |
Independent School District 318
helping teachers develop a higher level of teaching proficiency by introducing new strategies and methods for the classroom. |
$1,445 2002 |
Independent School District 318
sustaining contribution to cover transportation costs to the Guthrie Theatre for Grand Rapids/Itasca County high school students. |
$3,200 2002 |
Independent School District 318
capital assistance for playground equipment at Forest Lake Elementary School. |
$15,000 2002 |
Independent School District 318
sustaining assistance for the Debate Program. |
$3,000 2002 |
Independent School District 318
capital assistance to purchase choir robes for the Grand Rapids High School Choir. |
$2,000 2003 |
Independent School District 318
the grades K-3 parental engagement collaborative at Forest Lake and other elementary schools within the Grand Rapids School District. |
$25,000 2004 |
Independent School District 318
capital assistance for playground equipment at Murphy Elementary School. |
$3,000 2004 |
Independent School District 318
the Squaw Lake Ojibwe Culture Program as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$500 2005 |
Independent School District 318
the Sean Emery Show as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$2,500 2005 |
Independent School District 318
a donation towards the Grand Rapids High School 2005 Post Prom Party. |
$400 2005 |
Independent School District 318
a donation toward Bigfork School Industrial Technology's CO2 drag racing project. |
$250 2005 |
Independent School District 318
continued operating assistance for the Baby Steps Boutique and Step Ahead programs in Itasca County. |
$350,000 2005 |
Independent School District 318
the Ojibwe Dance Demonstration in Squaw Lake as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child event in Itasca County. |
$500 2006 |
Independent School District 318
Mom's Garden Tea as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child event in Itasca County. |
$775 2006 |
Independent School District 318
the Bigfork Family Cinco de Mayo Celebration as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$250 2006 |
Independent School District 318
Grandparenting with Love and Logic as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$500 2006 |
Independent School District 318
the Labor and My Baby pre-natal education program in Itasca County. |
$35,124 2006 |
Independent School District 318
Grand Rapids High School 2006 Post Prom Party. |
$400 2006 |
Independent School District 318
a donation for the 2007 Post Prom. |
$1,000 2007 |
Independent School District 318
the Kids Fun Run in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2007 |
Independent School District 318
Mom's Night Out in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$475 2007 |
Independent School District 318
Dads and Kids Pizza Party in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$225 2007 |
Independent School District 318
Project Lead the Way at Grand Rapids High School. |
$48,290 2007 |
Independent School District 318
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 318
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 318
Project Read in school districts throughout Itasca County. |
$39,000 2007 |
Independent School District 318
the Baby Steps Boutique in Itasca County. |
$195,500 2007 |
Independent School District 318
Step Ahead in Itasca County. |
$78,000 2007 |
Independent School District 318
the American Indian studies class at Grand Rapids High School. |
$30,000 2007 |
Independent School District 318
continued assistance for the Children First! initiative in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2007 |
Independent School District 318
ISD 318 Community Education's Children First 2007 New Year's celebration with Storytelling Time on Tuesday, January 29, at the Robert J. Elkington Middle School. |
$275 2007 |
Independent School District 318
the Cross Country Ski Encounter planned for February 9 at the Forest History Center as part of Children First! |
$175 2008 |
Independent School District 318
a Snowshoe Encounter planned for February 2, 2008, at the Forest History Center as part of Children First! |
$175 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Step Ahead's Dads and Kids Create a Box Night as part of Children First! |
$245 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Grand Rapids High School 2008 post prom activities. |
$1,000 2008 |
Independent School District 318
the Project READ mascot as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Family Fitness Fun through Baby Steps as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$75 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Storytelling Time with Wanda Ulseth sponsored by Community Education as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$125 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Mom's Night Out sponsored by Step Ahead as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$250 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Brings Birds to your Backyard, sponsored by Community Education, as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Minnesota's Sesquicentennial Arbor Day Celebration, sponsored by Community Education, as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$400 2008 |
Independent School District 318
The Great Campout at the Forest History Center, sponsored by Community Education, Step Ahead and the Forest History Center, as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Independent School District 318
participation in the Future Workers program for all 9th grade students. |
$390 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Storytelling Time with Wanda Ulseth as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$200 2008 |
Independent School District 318
Things that Go Bump in the Woods at Night at the Forest History Center as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$460 2008 |
Independent School District 318
the Snowshoe Encounter at the Forest History Center as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$350 2008 |
Independent School District 318
the 2009 GRHS post prom event. |
$1,000 2008 |
Independent School District 318
scholarships for the North Region Youth Workers Conference, May 12-13, 2009, in Grand Rapids.x0dx0a |
$750 2008 |
Independent School District 318
the Students Achieving High Rigor (StaHR) program in Itasca County. |
$13,627 2009 |
Independent School District 318
a Green Earth Day event as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Karma Kids Yoga as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$135 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Storytelling Time with Wanda Ulseth as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$200 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Bring Birds to your Backyard as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$300 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Trees - Homes for Birds as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Independent School District 318
of the 2009 Future Workers event. |
$349 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Project Learning Tree. |
$1,000 2009 |
Independent School District 318
the Baby Steps Boutique in Itasca County. |
$94,000 2009 |
Independent School District 318
continued assistance of the Step Ahead early childhood education program in Itasca County. |
$39,000 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Winter Adventures-The Great Outdoors as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Kids Karma Yoga as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$65 2009 |
Independent School District 318
continuation funding for the Children First! initiative in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2009 |
Independent School District 318
Grand Rapids High School 2010 Post Prom event. |
$1,000 2009 |
Independent School District 319
a donation for the Nashwauk-Keewatin All Night 2005 Grad Party. |
$200 2005 |
Independent School District 319
the 2006 Nashwauk-Keewatin All Night Grad Party. |
$250 2005 |
Independent School District 319
implementation of Project Lead the Way at Nashwauk High School. |
$30,000 2006 |
Independent School District 319
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 319
in support of the Nashwauk-Keewatin All Night Grad Party. |
$250 2008 |
Independent School District 319
student transportation for the Future Workers event. |
$75 2009 |
Independent School District 319
the 2010 all night grad party for Nashwauk Keewatin High School. |
$250 2009 |
Independent School District 32
purchasing a classroom sound system for students with hearing loss. |
$1,000 2007 |
Independent School District 32
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearninghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 32
a Hispanic literac program and cultural competency training. |
$3,391 2007 |
Independent School District 32
having Kevin Lynch speak to the Blackduck High School students on September 11, 2007. |
$750 2007 |
Independent School District 32
a donation towards the Blackduck Woodcarvers Association's book on the history of the local woodcarvers. |
$250 2008 |
Independent School District 32
for bringing in Jerry Osterloh to share his story with parents and students. |
$500 2009 |
Independent School District 36
implementation of the Blandin Hope Study recommendations. |
$3,000 2008 |
Independent School District 363
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
Independent School District 363
construction of a School Forest Shelter in the C.W. Bray School Forest. |
$750 2008 |
Independent School District 363
Fathers Reading Every Day event as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$115 2009 |
Independent School District 480 Onamia Public Schools
the Ojibwe language instruction program. |
$2,500 2009 |
Independent School District 482
the Discovery Academy for students at the Little Falls School District. |
$15,000 2005 |
Independent School District 701
the "Engineering Cool!" after-school program. |
$1,000 2009 |
Infinity Online #6080
providing online professional development for teachers to improve teaching and learning by sharing best/emerging practices. |
$45,000 2009 |
Initiative Foundation
financial consulting services for distressed rural businesses. |
$25,000 2009 |
Institute For Agriculture and Trade Policy
the Midwest Rural Assembly. |
$1,000 2009 |
ISD 317 Deer River
the "Math Backpack" project as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$975 2000 |
ISD 317 Deer River
the Invest Early initiative in Itasca County. |
$1,535,000 2004 |
ISD 317 Deer River
a donation for the 2005 Deer River High School post prom activities. |
$400 2005 |
ISD 317 Deer River
Children First! 2005 Deer River New Year's Eve celebration. |
$500 2005 |
ISD 317 Deer River
Children First! Inger Family New Year's Event. |
$1,000 2005 |
ISD 317 Deer River
Deer River High Schools' Post Prom Party. |
$400 2006 |
ISD 317 Deer River
continued assistance for the Invest Early childhood initiativein Itasca County. |
$1,535,000 2006 |
ISD 317 Deer River
a Hawaiian luau and dance as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child event in Itasca County. |
$600 2006 |
ISD 317 Deer River
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$600 2006 |
ISD 317 Deer River
Project Lead the Way at Deer River High School. |
$40,000 2007 |
ISD 317 Deer River
a one-year membership in the National Student Clearinghouse. |
$425 2007 |
ISD 317 Deer River
the Deer River High School's band and choral programs. |
$1,000 2008 |
ISD 317 Deer River
the Deer River FIRST Robotics Team. |
$10,000 2008 |
ISD 317 Deer River
a donation towards transportation for attendance at the Future Workers event in Grand Rapids on September 29, 2009. |
$200 2009 |
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
developing a strategic plan to sustain and provide quality educational services for students throughout the Itasca County area. |
$250,000 2005 |
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
Invest Early during 2008 and 2009. |
$3,450,000 2007 |
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
strategic planning sessions for a possible formation of a merged online learning providers partnership. |
$8,500 2007 |
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
developing a technology plan for IASC school districts. |
$15,000 2009 |
Itasca Area Schools Collaborative
continued assistance of Invest Early in 2010 and 2011. |
$3,610,000 2009 |
Itasca Chapter Let's Go Fishing With Sen
purchasing equipment for the Let's Go Fishing program for seniors in the Itasca County area. |
$950 2007 |
Itasca Chapter Let's Go Fishing With Sen
general operations for Let's Go Fishing with Seniors Itasca Chapter. |
$1,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance to students during the 2000-01 school year. |
$220,000 2000 |
Itasca Community College
an institution-wide evaluation and assessment of programs at Itasca Community College. |
$111,500 2000 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance to students for the 2001-02 school year. |
$250,000 2000 |
Itasca Community College
capital and programming assistance for the ICC Engineering Center. |
$1,350,000 2001 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance to students for the 2002-03 school year. |
$250,000 2001 |
Itasca Community College
additional child care assistance for students during the 2002-03 school year. |
$10,000 2002 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance for students attending ICC during the 2003-04 school year. |
$255,000 2002 |
Itasca Community College
conducting a needs assessment on community attitudes regarding sexual assault. |
$2,000 2003 |
Itasca Community College
continued assistance of the Itasca Technology Exchange and development of workforce programs in the Grand Rapids area. |
$180,000 2003 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance for students during the 2004-05 school year. |
$260,000 2003 |
Itasca Community College
supplmental support for part-time scholarships during the 2003-04 school year. |
$10,000 2003 |
Itasca Community College
the "Professional Forester and Logger Capacity Building Project" as part of the Vital Forests/Vital Communities initiative. |
$30,000 2004 |
Itasca Community College
supplemental part-time scholarships for Itasca County students enrolled in ICC programs during the 2004-05 school year. |
$10,000 2004 |
Itasca Community College
capital support to construct a student engineering residential hall on the Itasca Community College campus. |
$1,000,000 2004 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance for Itasca County students during the 2005-06 school year. |
$295,000 2004 |
Itasca Community College
planning conference to explore the feasibility of offering a four-year engineering degree at Itasca Community College. |
$9,700 2005 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance for Itasca County students during the 2006-07 school year. |
$313,000 2005 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance during the 2007-08 school year. |
$343,000 2006 |
Itasca Community College
child care costs for students attending Itasca Community College. |
$40,000 2006 |
Itasca Community College
the O-gitch-i-dah club's annual pow-wow on the ICC campus on April 11, 2007. |
$500 2007 |
Itasca Community College
capital assistance to upgrade technology at the ICC Computer Training Lab located in the Itasca Technology Exchange. |
$12,000 2007 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance during the 2008-09 academic year in Itasca County. |
$348,000 2007 |
Itasca Community College
the Applied Learning/College Attainment program in Itasca County. |
$160,000 2007 |
Itasca Community College
enhancing the ICC Engineering program to produce higher quality engineering graduates and stimulate economic growth in the Itasca County area. |
$2,500,000 2007 |
Itasca Community College
the series of events planned by the O-Gitch-I-Dah student club to celebrate American Indian Heritage Month in November 2007. |
$2,410 2007 |
Itasca Community College
the CEFTS conference being hosted by ICC in August 2008. |
$10,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
the 20th annual Pow-wow hosted by the O-gitchi-dah Club at Itasca Community College. |
$1,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
research being conducted by the Blandin Community Partners in Leadership work group. |
$4,900 2008 |
Itasca Community College
High School Financial Aid Nights. |
$2,900 2008 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid programs for Itasca County high school graduates during the 2009-10 school year. |
$350,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
the Native Student Achievement Initiative in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
community events planned for National American Indian Heritage Month. |
$2,500 2008 |
Itasca Community College
the Wood Biomass Boiler Project in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2008 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid assistance for Itasca County high school graduates during the 2010-11 school year. |
$350,000 2009 |
Itasca Community College
financial aid presentations to Itasca County area high schools. |
$2,700 2009 |
Itasca Community College
updating alumni addresses to conduct a survey of students who received Blandin financial aid. |
$1,000 2009 |
Itasca Community College Foundation
developing an endowed chair for ICC's Native American Indian Studies program. |
$250,000 2006 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
your operation and upgrades to your organization. |
$55,000 2000 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continatuion funding for programming and operations. |
$55,000 2000 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistance for your organization. |
$55,000 2001 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistance for your organization. |
$60,000 2002 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistance for programming and operations. |
$60,000 2003 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistance and equipment upgrades. |
$216,000 2004 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistance through 2008. |
$142,400 2006 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
technical assistance to plan for future technology needs. |
$6,000 2007 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
continued operating assistgance through 2010. |
$150,000 2008 |
Itasca Community Television, Inc.
a video archive system. |
$15,000 2008 |
Itasca County
the 2009 Minnesota State Triad Convention. |
$1,000 2008 |
Itasca County
the Marcell Symposium. |
$10,000 2009 |
Itasca County
the Itasca County Wellness Court program. |
$25,000 2009 |
Itasca County Agricultural Association
making improvements at the Itasca County Fairgrounds. |
$25,000 2006 |
Itasca County Agricultural Association
the Children's Barn as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Itasca County Agricultural Association
capital upgrades to the campground located near the Itasca County fairgrounds. |
$10,000 2009 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
operatinng and program assistance. |
$150,000 2004 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
hiring a professional facilitator for your board retreat being held September 16-17, 2005. |
$500 2005 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
Children First! New Year's Bash for middle school students. |
$1,000 2005 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
capital and operating assistance for your organization. |
$150,000 2006 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2006 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
Get Fit, Itasca! in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2007 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
the Get Fit Itasca initiative. |
$4,000 2007 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
the Children First 2007 New Year's Bash on Friday, January 11. |
$500 2007 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
Healthy Kids Day as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
purchasing kitchen equipment. |
$5,000 2008 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
operating assistance for the senior and youth center. |
$100,000 2009 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
the Youth Meal Program at the YMCA. |
$5,000 2009 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
sustaining assistance during 2010 and 2011. |
$100,000 2009 |
Itasca County Family YMCA Inc
New Year's Back to School Dance as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2009 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
capital assistance for the Emergency Medical Service system in Itasca County. |
$15,000 2001 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
the Pine City CCR&R class as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$150 2005 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
Dora the Explorer Family Fitness as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$500 2005 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
the presentation on "Fabulous Five: My Five Senses" as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child event in Itasca County. |
$350 2006 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
the Kathleen Blatz Recovery Program in Itasca County. |
$45,000 2007 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
Public Health's Hand Hygiene program as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$200 2008 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
a survey to assess the visitor experience at the Itasca Resource Center. |
$2,500 2008 |
Itasca County Health & Human Services
bridge funding for the Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program. |
$25,000 2008 |
Itasca County Historical Society
your organization. |
$25,000 2000 |
Itasca County Historical Society
your organization. |
$30,000 2000 |
Itasca County Historical Society
your organization. |
$30,000 2001 |
Itasca County Historical Society
your organization during 2003. |
$30,000 2002 |
Itasca County Historical Society
your organization. |
$30,000 2003 |
Itasca County Historical Society
sustaining assistance in 2005. |
$35,000 2004 |
Itasca County Historical Society
sustaining assistance to collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate the hsitory of Itasca County. |
$35,000 2005 |
Itasca County Historical Society
sustaining assisance to collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate the history of Itasca County. |
$35,000 2006 |
Itasca County Historical Society
a temporary research director to organize a Native American exhibit at the Historical Society. |
$10,000 2007 |
Itasca County Historical Society
sustaining assistance to collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate the history of Itasca County. |
$90,000 2007 |
Itasca County Historical Society
sustaining assistance to collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate the history of Itasca County. |
$90,000 2009 |
Itasca County Housing/Redevel Authority
implementing recommendations outlined in the Itasca County Housing Study. |
$116,700 2001 |
Itasca County Housing/Redevel Authority
the Portraits of Home Exhibit at the MacRostie Art Center. |
$4,000 2006 |
Itasca County Sheriff's Office
capital assistance to purchase a Side Scan Sonar system for the Itasca County Dive Team. |
$20,000 2001 |
Itasca County Sheriff's Office
meth use prevention activities in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2005 |
Itasca County Sheriff's Office
the prescription drug initiative in Itasca County. |
$5,000 2009 |
Itasca County Veterans Council
the Welcome Home ceremony for the C 2-136th CAB army unit returning from their 18-month deployment to Iraq. |
$950 2007 |
Itasca County Veterans Council
the Van for Veterans program. |
$1,000 2008 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
your organization in 2000. |
$110,000 2000 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance in 2001. |
$110,000 2000 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating support during 2002. |
$140,000 2001 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance during 2003. |
$140,000 2002 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance during 2004. |
$175,000 2003 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance to promote economic development in Itasca County. |
$450,000 2004 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
multi-site spec/incubator building developments at key JOBZ locations in Itasca County. |
$2,500 2004 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
the Get Broadband program in the Itasca County area. |
$15,000 2004 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
operating assistance for the Itasca Technology Exchange. |
$300,000 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
a community liaison for the Greenway Area Business Association in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
Economics of Water Quality presentations by IDC Jobs 2020 Lakes Management Action Team. |
$1,250 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
a master plan for the development of a new four lane realignment near Bovey and Coleraine. |
$15,000 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
establishment of an electronic database of alumni from Itasca area high schools. |
$11,762 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
the Itasca Building Development Fund in Itasca County. |
$1,500,000 2005 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
matching Itasca County's commitment towards securing the services of a grants specialist to pursue outside funding for community and economic development activities. |
$15,000 2006 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
hiring a consultant to help identify whether scheduled air service should be reinstated at the Grand Rapids/Itasca County Airport. |
$18,578 2006 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance to promote economic development in Itasca County. |
$465,000 2006 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
covering printing costs for the Itasca Area Employer Toolkit. |
$3,231 2007 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
the Financial Literacy Action Team's efforts to bring finacial literacy and curriculum to Itasca County schools. |
$3,964 2007 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continuing the services of a technical services/grant specialist to pursue outside funding for community and economic development activities. |
$15,000 2007 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance to promote economic development in Itasca County. |
$250,000 2008 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
the Greenway Area Business Association in Itasca County. |
$35,000 2009 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
the grantwriter program in Itasca County. |
$15,000 2009 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
a property audit and feasbility study for redeveloping the Ainsworth site. |
$22,000 2009 |
Itasca Economic Development Corporation
continued operating assistance to promote economic development in the Itasca County area. |
$225,000 2009 |
Itasca Hospice Foundation
your organization. |
$10,000 2000 |
Itasca Hospice Foundation
the second annual Golf Fore Hospice benefit event. |
$300 2005 |
Itasca Hospice Foundation
the third annual Golf Fore Hospice benefit event. |
$300 2006 |
Itasca Hospice Foundation
a needs assessment for a hospice house in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2007 |
Itasca Little League, Inc.
capital assistance for Gunn Park. |
$200,000 2000 |
Itasca Little League, Inc.
capital assistance to complete the renovation of Gunn Park. |
$40,000 2004 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
your organization. |
$35,000 2000 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music to adults and youth in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2000 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music to adults and youth in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2001 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities to adults and youth in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2002 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance for your organization in 2004-05. |
$40,000 2003 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities to adults and youth in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2004 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities for youth and adults in the Itasca County area. |
$40,000 2005 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities for youth and adults in the Itasca County area. |
$40,000 2006 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities for youth and adults in the Itasca County area. |
$80,000 2007 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
exploration of a joint marketing effort for local arts organizations. |
$1,400 2008 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
completing the joint marketing exploration for Itasca County arts organizations. |
$500 2008 |
Itasca Orchestra and Strings Program
sustaining assistance to provide orchestral music opportunities for youth and adults in the Itasca County area. |
$80,000 2009 |
Itasca Partnership/Quality Healthcare
the Itasca County Healthwise Project. |
$59,000 2000 |
Itasca Partnership/Quality Healthcare
the Adolescent Health Task Force. |
$35,000 2000 |
Itasca Partnership/Quality Healthcare
a Childbirth and Parenting Preparation Project as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$154,971 2001 |
Itasca Partnership/Quality Healthcare
the 2002 Community Health Report Card. |
$2,000 2002 |
Itasca Ski & Outing Club
hosting the biathlon and ski jumping Olympic tryouts. |
$5,000 2009 |
Itasca Technology Exchange
further developing the concept of a collaborative research and technology program adjacent to Itasca Community College. |
$50,000 2007 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
operating assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$75,000 2000 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
your sustaining contribution for the Campus Life program. |
$20,000 2000 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$75,000 2000 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
Campus Life operations. |
$20,000 2000 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2001 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating support for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$70,000 2001 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued funding for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$70,000 2002 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program. |
$20,000 2002 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
operating assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$70,000 2003 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2003 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating assistance of the Ground Floor Youth Center in Grand Rapids. |
$150,000 2004 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2004 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2005 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2006 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating support of the Ground Floor Youth Center in Grand Rapids. |
$80,000 2006 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$600 2006 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2007 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2007 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
the Children First 2007 New Year's Eve Holiday Party for area youth on Saturday, December 30. |
$600 2007 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating assistance for the Ground Floor. |
$46,000 2008 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued operating assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center. |
$85,000 2008 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
the Ground Floor's New Year's pizza party and rock'in the New Year concert. |
$600 2008 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
sustaining assistance for the Campus Life program in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2009 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
continued assistance for the Ground Floor Youth Center during 2010-11. |
$170,000 2009 |
Itasca Youth For Christ
New Year's Eve Dance and New Year's Concert as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$600 2009 |
Jacobson Community Center Foundation
updates to the Jacobson Community Center's sewage treatment system. |
$4,000 2005 |
Jacobson Community Center Foundation
upgrades to the community center building. |
$7,500 2008 |
James Jerome Hill Reference Library
business information training to community leaders in nine rural Minnesota communities. |
$35,000 2003 |
Jobs Now Coalition
increasing economic literacy and labor market outcomes for residents throughout Greater Minnesota. |
$195,000 2007 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
a three-year pilot test of the new Judy Garland Children's Museum in Grand Rapids. |
$990,000 2000 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
continued operating assistance. |
$150,000 2003 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the installation and delivery of the Faith Wick Doll Collection at the Children's Museum. |
$40,000 2005 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
Children First! 2005 New Year's Eve activities at the Children's Discovery Museum. |
$300 2005 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$300 2006 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the 32nd annual Judy Garland Festival on June 8-10, 2007. |
$950 2007 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
operating assistance and the River Town exhibit in Itasca County. |
$150,000 2007 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the 33rd Judy Garland Festival. |
$1,000 2008 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the Make It Move program as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2008 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
Ho Ho Ho Down Country Christmas as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2008 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the Petting Zoo as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
the Platinum Anniversary of the Wizard of Oz |
$1,000 2009 |
Judy Garland Children's Museum
Ho-Ho-Ho Down Country Christmas as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2009 |
Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest
the Junior Achievement program in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2007 |
Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest
bringing the Junior Achievement program to at least ten Itasca County classrooms. |
$750 2008 |
Kanabec County
assessing the development and implementation of a community center in the Mora area. |
$5,000 2006 |
Kandiyohi County Area Family YMCA
the Kandiyohi County Area Family YMCA Aquatics Center as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$500,000 2002 |
Keepers Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers
native youth programming in the Pipestone area. |
$5,000 2009 |
Kids Voting Minnesota
expanding the Kids Voting Minnesota program in rural areas of the state. |
$90,000 2000 |
Kids Voting Minnesota
the Kids Voting Project in northern Minnesota. |
$1,000 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Homebuyer Program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2000 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
a pilot project to assist low-income people in Itasca County participate in the Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota program. |
$143,400 2000 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continuation funding for the Parent Leadership Training Institute. |
$25,000 2000 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continuated funding for the Teenage Parent Program as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$65,700 2001 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continuation funding for the Itasca Area Crisis Nursery as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$45,000 2001 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Parent Leadership Training Institute. |
$20,000 2002 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Homebuyer Program in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2002 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued operating assistance for the Teenage Parent Program. |
$70,000 2003 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Parent Leadership Training Institute. |
$14,111 2003 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance of the Itasca Area Crisis Nursery as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$55,000 2003 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
reorganization efforts to better align the agency's mission to end poverty in Itasca County. |
$265,000 2003 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Teenage Parent Program in Itasca County. |
$95,800 2005 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Itasca Area Crisis Nursery program in Itasca County. |
$80,000 2005 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continuation funding for Circles of Support in Itasca County. |
$329,450 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
scholarships for low-income participants to attend leadership training sessions around the issues of ending poverty in Itasca County. |
$3,125 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the second training session for the Poverty Reduction Action Team. |
$4,000 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
implementing Project READ throughout the Itasca County area. |
$44,000 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the third training session of the Poverty Reduction Action Team. |
$5,900 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2006 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Teenage Parent Program in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the "Bridges Out of Poverty" community training in Grand Rapids. |
$8,000 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the additional application work to secure the Minnesota Reading Corp project. |
$3,000 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Story Power! workshop in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued operating assistance of the Itasca Area Crisis Nursery in Itasca County. |
$45,000 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
agency administrative expenses not covered in the Minnesota Reading Corps contract. |
$5,500 2007 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Crisis Nursery Program in the Grand Rapids/Itasca County area. |
$95,000 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Circles of Support program in the Itasca County area. |
$290,700 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
continued assistance for the Teenage Parent Program in Itasca County. |
$55,000 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
general operating support to allow KOOTASCA staff to undertake leadership positions in community-based initiatives dealing with poverty in Itasca County. |
$82,200 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
defraying participation costs of low income people and other coordination expenses for the policy paper planning group to present the Circles of Support methodology to the LCEP. |
$3,500 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
covering the administrative expenses of the Minnesota Reading Corps Regional Coordinator position. |
$5,500 2008 |
KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc
the Low Income Heating Assistance Program in Itasca County. |
$250,000 2008 |
KSMQ Public Service Media, Inc.
producing and promoting "Cities on the Move". |
$50,000 2007 |
Lakes and Pines Community Action Council
assisting low-income families in the Hill City area facing an energy-related crisis this winter. |
$15,000 2008 |
Latino Economic Development Center
programming and operating assistance. |
$80,000 2004 |
Latino Economic Development Center
general operations and to increase organizational capacity for serving communities throughout rural Minnesota. |
$135,000 2006 |
Latino Economic Development Center
continued operating assistance to increase organizational capacity and economic development opportunities throughout rural Minnesota. |
$195,000 2009 |
League of Women Voters of MN Educ Fund
the Debates 2000 Project of the League of Women Voters Education Fund. |
$20,000 2000 |
League of Women Voters of MN Educ Fund
underwriting the 2002 debates. |
$3,700 2002 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
capital assistance for a community center in Bena. |
$200,000 2005 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children First! 2005 Squaw Lake Pre New Year's Event. |
$1,000 2005 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Children First! 2005 Ball Club/Winnie Dam New Year's Eve event. |
$1,700 2005 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,200 2006 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,500 2006 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$2,000 2006 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children First 2007 New Year celebration for the S. Lake community on December 22, 2007, at the S. Lake Community Center. |
$1,500 2007 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children First 2007 New Year celebration for the Inger community being held Sunday, December 16, at the Inger Community Center. |
$1,500 2007 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Children First 2007 New Year's celebration for the Ball Club/Winnie Dam area on Saturday, December 29, at the Ball Club Community Center. |
$2,000 2007 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
piloting a language revitalization program designed specifically to teach the Ojibwe language throughout Itasca County and neighboring counties. |
$121,994 2008 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Northern Minnesota Reservation Economic Development Summit in August 2008. |
$10,000 2008 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
S Lake's New Year's Celebration as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County |
$1,500 2008 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Ball Club/Winnie Dam pre New Year's Eve as part of the Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County |
$1,750 2008 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Inger Community New Year Celebration as part of the Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County |
$1,500 2008 |
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
the Inger Community New Year event as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2009 |
Leech Lake Tribal College
a master campus development plan. |
$10,000 2009 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
the Legal Aid Office in Grand Rapids. |
$231,300 2000 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
continued operating assistance. |
$310,000 2003 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
additional staffing assistance for the Legal Aid Services office in Grand Rapids. |
$34,700 2005 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
continued operating assistance to provide legal services to residents in Itasca County. |
$315,000 2005 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
addressing sexual assault issues among Native American residents of Itasca County. |
$65,000 2005 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
continued operating assistance to provide legal services to residents of Itasca County. |
$330,750 2008 |
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern MN
the Foreclosure Prevention Program in Itasca County. |
$73,350 2008 |
Little Sand Group Homes
capital assistance to construct a gymnasium for wellness and sporting events next to the Remer school. |
$10,000 2006 |
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
planning funds for ending child, youth and family homelessness in the State of Minnesota. |
$5,000 2007 |
Lutheran Social Services of MN
the purchase and installation of fencing for the River Knot facility located at 9 Steinhart Circle, LaPrairie. |
$5,000 2005 |
MacRostie Art Center
general operating assistance for your organization. |
$49,900 2000 |
MacRostie Art Center
capital and programming support for your organization. |
$67,000 2001 |
MacRostie Art Center
capital and operating assistance. |
$91,000 2004 |
MacRostie Art Center
the Spring Art Fling: Family Fun Night as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$440 2005 |
MacRostie Art Center
sustaining assistance to provide visual arts and educational programming to residents throughout northern Minnesota. |
$25,000 2005 |
MacRostie Art Center
sustaining assistance to provide visual arts and educational programming to residents throughout northern Minnesota. |
$35,000 2006 |
MacRostie Art Center
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$400 2006 |
MacRostie Art Center
a new kiln. |
$500 2006 |
MacRostie Art Center
sustaining assistance to provide visual arts and educational programming to residents throughout the Itasca County area. |
$70,000 2007 |
MacRostie Art Center
the Button Art project as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$360 2008 |
MacRostie Art Center
sustaining assistance to provide visual arts and educational programming to residents throughout the Itasca County area. |
$70,000 2009 |
MacRostie Art Center
Mini Glitter Painting as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$205 2009 |
Manor House Assisted Living Care
your resident exercise room. |
$500 2008 |
Manor House Assisted Living Care
of the Game Room and Movie Theater project. |
$500 2009 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
renovating the Marcell Family Center. |
$170,000 2001 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
continued assistance of the Marcell Family Center. |
$75,000 2004 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Children First! 2005 Marcell New Year's Eve Party. |
$500 2005 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
sustaining assistance for family center programming during 2007. |
$30,000 2006 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$550 2006 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Family Fun Day in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2007 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
sustaining assistance for family center programming in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2007 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
the Children First 2007 New Year's Celebration at the Marcell Family Center on Saturday, January 5. |
$450 2007 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Marcell Family Center's Spring Fling as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$500 2008 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Bringing in the New Year celebration as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$475 2008 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Spring Fling as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
Kids' Fishing Day as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$350 2009 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
sustaining assistance for family center programming in Itasca County. |
$65,000 2009 |
Marcell Family Center, Inc
the Marcell Family Center Winter Frolic as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$500 2009 |
McLeod County
design and implementation of the "McLeod for Tomorrow" Leadership Program. |
$5,000 2008 |
MDI Hired Hands
your Recycling Facility Relocation and Expansion project. |
$22,500 2000 |
MDI Hired Hands
a feasibility study for diverting waste for use as biomass fuel and recycling in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2005 |
MDI Hired Hands
a recycling and wood processing project in Itasca County. |
$165,000 2007 |
Meadowlark Institute
convening 20 dialogues on economic, social and environmental issues in rural communities throughout Minnesota. |
$44,000 2007 |
Meadowlark Institute
making a presentation to the RED Group at it's June 23rd meeting. |
$500 2009 |
Menahga Area Historical Society and Muse
Connecting Rural Communities project in Menahga and Sebeka, Minnesota. |
$2,000 2009 |
Mesabi Range College
the March 6th community summit "A View from the Front Porch: An Iron Range Community Summit." |
$1,000 2008 |
MIGIZI Communications
a statewide tribal telecommunications conference. |
$2,500 2006 |
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
continuation funding for the "Best Practices in Indian Education" program. |
$90,000 2000 |
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
continued assistance for the Nay Ah Shing school as part of the "Best Practices in Indian Education" program. |
$90,000 2002 |
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
developing a plan for a statewide Native American Youth organization. |
$5,000 2006 |
Minneapolis Consortium of Nonprofit Dev
the Micro-Enterprise Careership Program throughout rural Minnesota. |
$76,000 2006 |
Minneapolis Foundation
sponsorship of the Minnesota Meeting 2006 series on "Opportunity for All: Closing the Racial Disparities Gap in Minnesota." |
$5,000 2006 |
Minneapolis Foundation
the Minnesota Dream Fund throughout rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2006 |
Minneapolis Foundation
sponsorship forthe 2007-08 Minnesota Meeting series. |
$5,000 2007 |
Minneapolis Foundation
the 2009 Minnesota Meeting series throughout rural Minnesota. |
$5,000 2009 |
Minneapolis Foundation
the Bottom Line Fund report. |
$25,000 2009 |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
our sustaining contribution to bring collections and expertise to teachers and students in rural Minnesota through the ArtReach Centers in Grand Rapids, New York Mills, Owatonna and Duluth. |
$25,000 2000 |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
sustaining assistance to bring its collections and expertise to teachers and students in rural Minnesota through the ArtReach Centers in Grand Rapids, New York Mills, Owatonna and Duluth. |
$25,000 2001 |
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
sustaining assistance for the ArtsReach Centers in Greater Minnesota. |
$25,000 2002 |
Minnesota 4-H Foundation
the Blandin Youth Leadership for Vital Communities Initiative. |
$715,000 2000 |
Minnesota Campus Compact
two regional planning sessions to improve the college success rate of low-income students and students of color in rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2008 |
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women
the Women of Color and Native Women's Leadership Project. |
$10,000 2008 |
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women
the Women of Color and Native Women's Leadership Project throughout rural Minnesota. |
$10,000 2009 |
Minnesota Community Foundation
launching the GiveMN online fund raising tool in Itasca County. |
$46,000 2009 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
the Nonprofit Broadband Initiative. |
$105,000 2001 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
nonprofit capacity building initiatives throughout rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2007 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
scholarships for three participants from northern Minnesota to attend MCN's 2007 annual conference. |
$441 2007 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
building capacity of local nonprofits by offering educational opportunities in the Itasca County area. |
$9,785 2008 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
offering the Recession-Year Financial Leadership workshop to Itasca County area nonprofit leaders free of charge. |
$1,750 2009 |
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Inc
membership renewal for 2009. |
$875 2009 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization. |
$21,900 2000 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization during 2001. |
$24,400 2000 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization during 2002. |
$21,900 2001 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization. |
$21,900 2002 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
sustaining membership assistance during 2004. |
$19,400 2003 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization during 2005. |
$21,900 2004 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
sustaining assistance for membership within organization during 2006. |
$21,900 2005 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership assistance during 2007. |
$21,900 2006 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
of the 2007 annual conference. |
$7,500 2007 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
40 MGO deluxe subscriptions. |
$8,320 2007 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership in your organization during 2008 and 2009. |
$41,300 2007 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
27 deluxe MGO subscriptions for Blandin Foundation grantees. |
$6,318 2008 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
sponsorship of the 2009 annual meeting of members. |
$3,000 2009 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
21 deluxe subscriptions to MGO for Blandin grantees. |
$4,914 2009 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations
membership assistance in 2010 and 2011. |
$38,850 2009 |
Minnesota D.A.R.E., Inc.
drug and violence prevention programs to K-12 students in rural Minnesota. |
$2,500 2006 |
Minnesota D.A.R.E., Inc.
programming support for northern Minnesota. |
$2,500 2009 |
Minnesota Dept Employment & Economic Dev
sponsorship of the 24th annual Minnesota Development Conference in October 2009. |
$500 2009 |
Minnesota E-Democracy
expanding rural voices through online citizen engagement and citizen media throughout rural Minnesota. |
$49,000 2007 |
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership
expanding college access for low-income and minority populations in rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2007 |
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
public opinion research on forest productivity issues. |
$16,000 2009 |
Minnesota Forest Resources Council
the Working Forestland Conservation Initiative throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2007 |
Minnesota Head Start Association, Inc.
the Minnesota Great Start Project. |
$950 2007 |
Minnesota Historical Society
acquisition of Sylvan Point and construction of a four-season, public interpretive trail. |
$625,000 2001 |
Minnesota Logger Education Program
the Advanced Training for Logging Professionals project as part of the Vital Forests/Vital Communities initiative. |
$199,000 2004 |
Minnesota Logger Education Program
implement recommendations from the Task Force. |
$40,000 2009 |
Minnesota News Council
a convening for citizen journalists and local e-democracy practitioners on June 4-5, 2008, at the University of Minnesota. |
$14,000 2008 |
Minnesota Newspaper Foundation
assistance to operate the Editors and Publishers Leadership Program. |
$225,000 2007 |
Minnesota Orchestral Association
sustaining support for the Young People's Concerts and Chamber Group Residencies in rural Minnesota for the 2001-02 season. |
$30,000 2000 |
Minnesota Orchestral Association
sustaining assistance for Young People's Concerts and Chamber Group Residencies in rural Minnesota for the 2002-03 season. |
$30,000 2001 |
Minnesota Orchestral Association
sustaining assistance for Young People's Concerts and Chamber Group Residencies in rural Minnesota for the 2003-04 season. |
$30,000 2002 |
Minnesota Project
implementing renewable energy and energy efficient projects that promotes rural economic development. |
$80,000 2003 |
Minnesota Project
continued assistance for the Clean Energy Resource Team project in rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2005 |
Minnesota Public Radio
continuation funding for Mainstreet Radio. |
$1,500,000 2001 |
Minnesota Public Radio
continued assistance of "Mainstreet Radio". |
$550,000 2004 |
Minnesota Public Radio
creating a five-part radio and Internet series on the economic future of rural Minnesota communities. |
$52,000 2005 |
Minnesota Public Radio
continued assistance to provide news coverage to residents throughout rural Minnesota. |
$310,000 2006 |
Minnesota Public Radio
sponsorship of the Healthy Community/Healthy Journalism conference on April 19-22, 2006. |
$500 2006 |
Minnesota Public Radio
continued assistance to deliver news programming to rural communities throughout Minnesota. |
$650,000 2007 |
Minnesota Public Radio
continued assistance to deliver news programming to rural communities throughout Minnesota |
$125,000 2009 |
Minnesota Rural Education Association
school improvement and community engagement training for 10-12 rural school districts in Minnesota. |
$50,000 2006 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
increasing the demand for broadband services in rural communities throughout Minnesota. |
$25,500 2003 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
assistance for the 2003 Minnesota Rural Summit. |
$5,000 2003 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
the 2004 and 2005 Rural Summits. |
$90,000 2004 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
the 2006 Minnesota Rural Summit and Symposium on Small Towns. |
$10,000 2006 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
convening and coordinating the creation of the Minnesota Office of Entrepreneurship. |
$7,500 2006 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
the 2007 MN Rual Summit. |
$20,000 2007 |
Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc.
the Minnesota Community Pride competition. |
$1,000 2009 |
Minnesota Wood Campaign, Inc.
stage II of the Wood Campaign's Joint Marketing and Branding Venture. |
$100,000 2004 |
Minnesota Wood Campaign, Inc.
continued assistance for education and planning throughout rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2007 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the 2005 Goods from the Woods initiative in Itasca County. |
$76,000 2004 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
matching funds for the USDA grant for the North Woods Education Project. |
$15,000 2005 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the 2006 Good from the Woods initiative in Itasca County. |
$65,000 2005 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the 2007 programming for the North Woods Education Project. |
$10,000 2006 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the 2007 and 2008 Goods from the Woods initiative in Itasca County. |
$110,500 2007 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the FSC Group certification program efforts throughout rural Minnesota. |
$90,000 2008 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
the Goods from the Woods event in 2009. |
$15,000 2009 |
Minnesota Wood Education Project
Goods from the Woods in 2010. |
$8,000 2009 |
start-up funding for a new on-line media outlet to bolster reporting capacity throughout rural Minnesota. |
$225,000 2008 |
Mississippi Headwaters Area Dental Health Center
operating support. |
$10,000 2008 |
Mixed Blood Theatre Company
touring performances in rural Minnesota communities and schools. |
$20,000 2000 |
Mixed Blood Theatre Company
sustaining assistance for touring performances in rural Minnesota communities and schools. |
$20,000 2001 |
Mixed Blood Theatre Company
sustaining assistance for touring performances in rural Minnesota communities and schools. |
$20,000 2002 |
MN Alliance for Arts in Education
the Comprehensive Arts Planning Program. |
$10,000 2000 |
MN Alliance for Arts in Education
sustaining assistance for the Comprehensive Arts Planning Program. |
$10,000 2001 |
MN Alliance for Arts in Education
sustaining assistance for your Comprehensive Arts Planning Program. |
$10,000 2002 |
MN American Indian Chamber of Commerce
the 2008 Minnesota Indian Business Conference. |
$500 2008 |
MN American Indian Chamber of Commerce
the Minnesota Indian Business Conference being held October 28-29, 2008. |
$1,000 2008 |
MN Assn for Volunteer Administration
the Volunteer Resources Leadership Initiative. |
$10,000 2007 |
MN Association of School Administrators
implementation of school improvement and community engagement training. |
$50,000 2006 |
MN Chapter American Planning Association
delivery of training sessions to three rural sites in Minnesota. |
$4,818 2007 |
MN Child Care Resource & Referral Networ
the TEACH program in Itasca County as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$14,000 2002 |
MN Chippewa Tribe
a business development center to target Native American entrepreneurs throughout rural Minnesota. |
$90,000 2008 |
MN Community Capital Fund
start-up assistance for the Minnesota Community Capital Fund. |
$200,000 2003 |
MN Counties Research Foundation
the Leadership Cohort Program. |
$20,000 2008 |
MN Department of Corrections - St. Paul
the Challenge Incarceration Program Sewing Program. |
$250 2007 |
MN Dept of Children, Families & Learning
continuing the work of the GreenPrint Council from 2000-2002. |
$102,476 2000 |
MN Dept of Children, Families & Learning
an Educational Leadership program throughout rural Minnesota. |
$346,000 2001 |
MN Dept of Natural Resources
Phase II and Phase III of the State's Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Timber Harvesting throughout rural Minnesota. |
$47,000 2004 |
MN Diversified Industries
capital assistance for a rotary die cutter to increase efficiency and productivity at the Grand Rapids plant. |
$240,000 2002 |
MN Diversified Industries
capital support to expand plastic and conversion operations at the Grand Rapids plant. |
$2,500,000 2004 |
MN Diversified Industries
providing employment opportunities for workers with disabilities and other disadvantages in the Itasca County area. |
$100,000 2007 |
MN Diversified Industries
bridge financing for the Grand Rapids and Hibbing facilities. |
$1,000,000 2007 |
MN High Technology Foundation
the Computers for Schools project for rural school districts in Minnesota. |
$800,000 2000 |
MN Senior Federation
the Senior Partners Care program for Itasca County including Hill City, Remer, Northome and Blackduck. |
$1,000 2009 |
MN Sesquicentennial Commission
Minnesota's 150th anniversary. |
$30,000 2008 |
MN Shooting Sports Education Center
matching corporate sponsorships during 2004. |
$40,000 2004 |
MN Shooting Sports Education Center
technical assistance and to develop a mission and vision statement for the facility. |
$2,700 2009 |
MN State Colleges & Universities Fdn
the Northern Minnesota College Readiness Partnership. |
$225,000 2008 |
MN West Community/Tech Col-Granite Falls
developing and implementing the Worthington Center for Information and Training in animal-based bioscience within an animal-based Bioscience Technology Research Park. |
$134,000 2003 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
capital assistance for safety equipment at Mt. Itasca Ski Hill. |
$5,500 2003 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
a donation towards communication equipment for Mount Itasca Ski Patrol. |
$500 2005 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
communication and first aid equipment for the Ski Patrol. |
$500 2007 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
first-aid supplies and safety equipment equipment for the Mount Itasca Ski Patrol. |
$500 2008 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
first aid supplies and equipment. |
$500 2009 |
Mount Itasca Ski Patrol
first aid supplies and equipment. |
$500 2009 |
Native Americans in Philanthropy
membership at the Caribou Clan level. |
$750 2008 |
Naytahwaush Community Foundation
efforts to break the generational poverty for the first time in a rural and reservation setting utilizing Dr. Terrie Rose's Baby's Space model in rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2008 |
NE MN Higher Education District
the 4th annual Rural Community College Alliance conference. |
$4,000 2005 |
North Central Minnesota Farm & Antique Association
capital assistance to renovate and preserve two historic buildings for educational and cultural purposes in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2007 |
North Homes Inc
the "Your Choice, Our Voice" Teen Court project. |
$25,000 2000 |
North Homes Inc
staff training in using gender-responsive and restorative justice interventions. |
$7,000 2007 |
North Shore Trade & Tech Project
linking educational opportunities for North Shore youth and adults to the current workfroce realities in northeastern Minnesota. |
$45,000 2007 |
North Star Community Dev Corp
the Project Provider 2000 project as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$9,383 2002 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
your microenterprise development program in Itasca County. |
$105,000 2001 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
continued assisance of the microenterprise and small business development program in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2004 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
continued assistance to provide business planning training and access to financing for unemployed and underemployed people in Itasca County who wish to start small businesses. |
$80,000 2005 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
a business plan to implement the Entrepreneurial League System in northeast Minnesota. |
$50,000 2006 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
implementation of the Northland Entrepreneur Development System throughout rural Minnesota. |
$250,000 2007 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
providing business planning training and access to financing for unemployed and underemployed men and women in Itasca County. |
$90,000 2007 |
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
continued assistance to provide business planning training and access to financing for unemployed and underemployed men and women in Itasca County. |
$110,000 2009 |
Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training
graduate credits for local teachers interning with the Regional Applied Math Project. |
$10,000 2006 |
Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training
contracting with a facilitator to conduct sessions to improve communications between collaborative partners within the Itasca Resource Center in Grand Rapids. |
$4,100 2007 |
Northeast Service Cooperative
conducting a feasibility study of a community open infrastructure fiber optic network in northeast Minnesota. |
$34,000 2005 |
Northeast Service Cooperative
a planning effort to determine the feasibility of Mesabi area schools forming a collaborative. |
$6,500 2008 |
Northeast Service Cooperative
sponsorship for the 10th anniversary of the Disability Mentoring Day in Duluth, MN. |
$1,000 2009 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
your organization. |
$35,000 2000 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
your organization. |
$35,000 2000 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
your organization. |
$35,000 2001 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
capital assistance to construct new studios and corporate headquarters. |
$350,000 2002 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
your organization in 2004. |
$35,000 2003 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sustaining assistance in 2005. |
$40,000 2004 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sustaining assistance for news programming throughout the Itasca County area. |
$45,000 2005 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sponsorship of the Healthy Community/Healthy Journalism conference on April 19-22, 2006. |
$644 2006 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
participation in the Journalism That Matters forum. |
$1,000 2006 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sustaining assistance for news programming throughout Itasca County during 2007. |
$45,000 2006 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
creating a regional web site comprised of several local community sites to encourage interactive media in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2007 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sustaining assistance for news programming throughout Itasca County in 2008 and 2009. |
$90,000 2007 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
training businesses and organizations build web sites, on-line technologies, blog and to develop a regional network of community web sites across Itasca County |
$124,000 2008 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
hosting the StoryCorps residency during August and September 2008. |
$5,990 2008 |
Northern Community Radio KAXE
sustaining assistance for news programming throughout Itasca County in 2010 and 2011. |
$100,000 2009 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
the Rural Community Coordinator. |
$14,000 2000 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
continuation funding for the Edge of the Wilderness Community Coordinator. |
$40,000 2000 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
continued assistance of the Rural Community Coordinator in the Edge of the Wilderness area. |
$10,000 2003 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
capital assistance for the Edge of the Wilderness Discovery Center. |
$70,000 2005 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$6,450 2005 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
developing a comprehensive plan for the Edge of the Wilderness area. |
$8,500 2007 |
Northern Itasca Joint Powers Board
the Edge of the Wilderness Discovery Center improvement project. |
$5,000 2009 |
Northern Lights Community School
the Minnesota Planetarium visit. |
$1,000 2008 |
Northern Lights Community School
bringing in Dr. Whitley to speak on adolescent motivation and underachievement. |
$3,000 2008 |
Northern Lights Community School
bringing in Dr. Randy Ryder for training on the Wisconsin Learning and Thinking Assessment (WiLATA). |
$1,000 2009 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
your organization. |
$10,000 2000 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
your organization. |
$15,000 2000 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
your organization. |
$15,000 2001 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance for your March and August fund drives. |
$15,000 2002 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance for your March and August fund drives during 2004. |
$15,000 2003 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance as matching support for your March and August fund drives throughout northern and central Minnesota. |
$15,000 2004 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance as matching support for your station's March and August membership drives in rural Minnesota. |
$15,000 2005 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance for programming and services in the northern region of Minnesota. |
$15,000 2006 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
supplemental sustaining support for 2007. |
$5,000 2007 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance for programming and services in the northern region of Minnesota. |
$50,000 2007 |
Northern Minnesota Public Televison Inc
sustaining assistance for programming and services in the northern region of Minnesota. |
$50,000 2009 |
Northfield Area United Way, Inc.
project assistance for the HealthFinders Collaborative to address under-insured issues for immigrant populations in the Faribault and Northfield regions. |
$75,000 2005 |
Northland Area Family Service Center
energy assistance needs in the Remer/Longville area. |
$4,116 2009 |
Northland Area Family Service Center
a thrift store in Remer. |
$1,000 2009 |
Northland Community College
a retention specialist for nursing program students from the White Earth Reservation. |
$40,000 2008 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
providing psychiatric services to the Itasca County area. |
$221,000 2000 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
the third annual Walk with Mental Illness for Itasca County. |
$250 2005 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
the fourth annual "Walk for the Mind." |
$250 2006 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
annual walk for mental health educational awareness. |
$250 2007 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
an outdoor complex for Kiesler House. |
$5,000 2007 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
capital improvements to the facility, grounds and Kiesler House. |
$49,000 2008 |
Northland Counseling Center Inc
Upgrades for Midway Villa |
$10,000 2009 |
Northland Foundation
continuation funding for the annual KIDS PLUS conferences. |
$67,500 2000 |
Northland Foundation
expanding the KIDS PLUS Youth Leadership Training Initiative in four northeastern Minnesota communities. |
$120,000 2000 |
Northland Foundation
continued sponsorship of the KIDS PLUS Conference in 2004. |
$10,000 2003 |
Northland Foundation
of the annual KIDS PLUS conference in 2005. |
$10,000 2005 |
Northland Foundation
a parent education component as part of the early childhood screening program. |
$5,000 2005 |
Northland Foundation
of the Regional Kindergarten Transition Summit. |
$5,000 2007 |
Northland Foundation
the Northeastern Minnesota Early Childhood Summit to be held April 1, 2008. |
$5,000 2008 |
Northland Foundation
the Northland Village Assisted Living Initiative throughout rural Minnesota. |
$25,000 2008 |
Northland Foundation
Business Ownership Succession training. |
$2,500 2008 |
Northland Foundation
the 2009 Northeastern Minnesota Early Childhood Summit. |
$5,000 2008 |
Northland Foundation
the AGE to age: bringing generations together initiative throughout rural Minnesota. |
$45,000 2009 |
Northland Institute
start-up assistance of the Minnesota Community Capital Fund. |
$50,000 2002 |
Northland Institute
sponsorship of the Northland Executive Business Forum series. |
$5,000 2006 |
Northland Institute
developing a Minnesota Employee Ownership Fund throughout rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2007 |
Northwest Indian Community Development Center
matching assistance to partner with Walker area schools to promote and encourage cultural diversity within the Walker area. |
$50,000 2005 |
Northwest Indian Community Development Center
helping Native American youth succeed in school by providing community-based mentors and incentives in the Walker Hackensack Akeley High School and Chief Bug-o-Nay-Ge-Shig school in Bena. |
$150,000 2006 |
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
flood recovery efforts in Roseau, Minnesota. |
$10,000 2002 |
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
a project coordinator for the Ingenuity Frontier program. |
$50,000 2006 |
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
start-up assistance for technical support and to launch innovations to grow the economy in northwest Minnesota. |
$300,000 2008 |
Northwest Regional Dev Commission
the Community Partnership's worker training initiative. |
$25,000 2008 |
Northwest Technical College Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
the Project Graduate program. |
$10,000 2009 |
Occupational Development Center Inc
capital assistance for improvements to your Hibbing and Virginia buildings. |
$50,000 2006 |
Occupational Development Center Inc
capital assistance to relocate production operations in rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2008 |
Pengilly Booster Club
fencing for the Pengilly Baseball Park and playground equipment for the Marble Veteran Park. |
$3,000 2009 |
Pine Point Community Council
an Ojibwe language revitalization program on the White Earth Reservation as part of the rural quick start program. |
$4,941 2009 |
Prairie Net Consortium
the Get Broadband program in the Marshall and surrounding region. |
$12,500 2004 |
Project Linus Northern MN Chapter
the Northern Minnesota Chapter of Project Linus. |
$250 2007 |
Propel Nonprofits
offering a continuum of services to Itasca County nonprofit organizations. |
$50,000 2009 |
Rabideau Conservation Academy & Learning Center, Inc.
retaining a project coordinator to develop the Rabideau Conservation Academy and Learning Center. |
$100,000 2007 |
RAIN Source Capital Inc.
the 6th annual RAIN Maker Conference being held September 23-24, 2009. |
$5,000 2009 |
Rainy River Community College
the Get Broadband program in the International Falls area. |
$15,000 2004 |
Ready for K
early childhood advocacy training, policy training, communications consultation and business enlistment in rural Minnesota. |
$73,457 2003 |
Ready for K
continued assistance to promote and improve school readiness throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2004 |
Ready for K
promoting and improving school readiness throughout rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2007 |
Ready for K
continued assistance to promote and improve school readiness throughout rural Minnesota. |
$150,000 2009 |
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Native American youth programs within the Red Lake community. |
$125,000 2005 |
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
your community mobilization efforts. |
$1,000 2006 |
Red Lake Nation Boys & Girls Club
general operating assistance for the Boys and Girls Club in Red Lake. |
$10,000 2008 |
Redwood Area Communities Foundation
the Green Energy and Workforce Exploration teams. |
$5,000 2007 |
Redwood Area Communities Foundation
improving academic performance, attendance and graduation rates of Native American high school students in the Redwood Falls area. |
$25,000 2008 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
assistance to study the economic landscape of five rural communities in Minnesota. |
$24,860 2006 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
the study on family forest owner participation in the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act. |
$50,000 2006 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
the Community Assistantship Program throughout rural Minnesota in 2007 and 2008. |
$15,000 2007 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
reducing carbon emissions and increase sequestration in Minnesota's forests, farms and other land areas throughout rural Minnesota. |
$45,000 2007 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
the annual policy conference for the Minnesota Legislature. |
$10,000 2008 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
identifying forest biomass demand for current and planned wood energy and biofuels applications throughout rural Minnesota. |
$20,000 2009 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
fellowships for The Forum for the Practice of Leadership Development series this fall. |
$1,000 2009 |
Regents of The University of Minnesota
the 4th annual "One Minnesota" Legislative Policy conference being held February 10, 2010. |
$10,000 2009 |
Region Nine Area Inc
your planning efforts to establish a Rural Legacy Community Foundation. |
$10,000 2006 |
Region Nine Development Commission
working with the Minnesota Design Team to develop a strategy for Gaylord's economic future. |
$5,000 2008 |
Reif Arts Council
continuation funding for program and operating support. |
$270,000 2000 |
Reif Arts Council
project assistance for the Guthrie Theatre Residency. |
$25,000 2001 |
Reif Arts Council
continued operating assistance and programming. |
$270,000 2001 |
Reif Arts Council
continued assistance for programs and operations. |
$280,000 2004 |
Reif Arts Council
capital assistacne to make improvements to the facility and matching support for the Reif Endowment Fund. |
$500,000 2004 |
Reif Arts Council
continued operating support to provide arts programming to residents in Itasca County and throughout rural Minnesota. |
$290,000 2005 |
Reif Arts Council
teacher training workshops for Itasca County area school districts. |
$3,650 2007 |
Reif Arts Council
continued assistance to provide arts programming to residents in Itasca County and throughout rural Minnesota. |
$310,000 2008 |
Reif Arts Council
Partners in Education teacher training workshops. |
$6,735 2008 |
Reif Arts Council
continued collaborations to share information and resources among Itasca County arts organizations. |
$14,500 2009 |
Reif Arts Council
the "Pretty Much 100% Scandinavian" performance held on October 25, 2009. |
$250 2009 |
Renewing the Countryside II
the Green Routes sustainable tourism initiative. |
$30,000 2006 |
Renewing the Countryside II
planning and implementation for the Journeys with First Nations sustainable tourism marketing initiative throughout rural Minnesota |
$50,000 2008 |
Riverwood Healthcare Center & Comm Fdn
a Balanced Scorecard for the hospital and clinic facilities in Aitkin. |
$5,000 2005 |
Rural Health Resource Center
further developing training materials created for the Blandin Health Care Leadership Program. |
$750,000 2005 |
Rural Renewable Energy Alliance
renewable energy manufacturing on the Leech Lake Indian Reservation. |
$50,000 2008 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
your organization. |
$25,000 2000 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
your organization. |
$25,000 2000 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
capital assistance to construct a new Food Bank facility. |
$500,000 2001 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for your organization. |
$30,000 2002 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
your organization during 2004. |
$40,000 2003 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
capital assistance for the Food Bank facility. |
$125,000 2004 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
operating assistance for the Community Cafe. |
$10,000 2004 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for Food Bank operations in Itasca County. |
$40,000 2004 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for Food Bank operations in Itasca County. |
$50,000 2005 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for Food Bank operations in Itasca County during 2007. |
$50,000 2006 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for Food Bank operations during 2008 and 2009 in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2007 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
food delivery subsidies in the Itasca County area. |
$40,000 2008 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
buying books for low-income youth for holiday gifts. |
$350 2008 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
the 2009 Hunger Study |
$2,000 2009 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
covering the cost of busing third and fourth graders to the MacRostie Art Center to create and glaze bowls for the 2009 Empty Bowls Project. |
$1,000 2009 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
sustaining assistance for Food Bank operations during 2010 and 2011 in Itasca County. |
$100,000 2009 |
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank
the Kids Packs to Go Backpack Program in Itasca County. |
$3,000 2009 |
Sibley County
your capital campaign for the Sibley Community Partners project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$400,000 2001 |
Sibley County
the Sibley Community Partners project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$92,959 2001 |
Sibley County
Phase II of the Sibley Community Partners project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$43,709 2002 |
Sleepy Eye Economic Dev Authority
Get Broadband program in the Sleepy Eye area. |
$10,000 2005 |
Sota Tec Fund
your research and technology program with the University of Minnesota. |
$820,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
your administrative expenses to carry out the research and technology program with the University of Minnesota during 2000. |
$456,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
the business development program to cover costs of technical assistance expenses directly related to individual research projects and the costs of commercializing products resulting from the research and technology transfer program. |
$255,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
continuing your research and technology program with the U of MN. |
$820,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
your administrative expenses to carry out your research and technology program with the University of Minnesota during 2001. |
$456,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
the business development program to cover costs of technical assistance expenses directly related to individual research projects and the costs of commercializing products resulting from the research and technology transfer program. |
$255,000 2000 |
Sota Tec Fund
your organization to carry out the research and technology program with the University of Minnesota during 2002. |
$496,000 2001 |
Sota Tec Fund
the business development program to cover costs of technical assistance expenses directly related to individual research projects and the costs of commercializing products resulting from the research and technology transfer. |
$235,000 2001 |
Sota Tec Fund
continuing your research and technology program with the U of MN. |
$800,000 2001 |
South Ctrl Itasca Co. Intergmtl Plan/Bd
start-up and operating assistance to address common land use and governmental issues. |
$100,000 2000 |
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
the Business Recovery Fund to assist southeastern Minnesota businesses affected by the recent flood. |
$250,000 2007 |
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
the Regional Competitiveness Project throughout southern Minnesota. |
$45,000 2008 |
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
increasing the success of new immigrant/minority individuals in the southern region of Minnesota. |
$75,000 2008 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation
researching the feasibility of a communitywide folk music festival in the Hutchinson area. |
$1,250 2007 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation
the Entrepreneurship Initiative. |
$50,000 2008 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
continuation assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2001 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2002 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics Program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2003 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics Program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2004 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2005 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2006 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2007 |
Special Olympics Minnesota
sustaining assistance for the Special Olympics program in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2009 |
St Louis County Heritage & Arts
the Depot Outreach program. |
$18,000 2000 |
St Louis County Heritage & Arts
sustaining assistance for the Depot Outreach Program. |
$18,000 2001 |
St. Joseph's Parish
Super Simple Science Night as part of the Children First! 2005 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$400 2005 |
St. Joseph's Parish
Super Simple Science Night as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child event in Itasca County. |
$400 2006 |
St. Louis County Social Services
the Second Step Curriculum as part of the Children First! Initiative in Itasca County. |
$4,143 2000 |
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
sustaining assistance for touring and educational performances in rural Minnesota communities. |
$30,000 2000 |
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
sustaining assistance for touring and educational performances in rural Minnesota communities. |
$30,000 2001 |
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
sustaining assistance for touring and educational performances in rural Minnesota communities. |
$30,000 2002 |
Star of the North Figure Skating Club
Children First! 2005 Star of the North New Year's Eve Skating Party. |
$1,000 2005 |
Star of the North Figure Skating Club
the Children's First 2006 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2006 |
Star of the North Figure Skating Club
the Children First 2007 New Year's Eve Ice Skating Party on Monday, December 31. |
$1,000 2007 |
Star of the North Figure Skating Club
the New Year's Eve Ice Skating Party as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2008 |
Star of the North Figure Skating Club
Star of the North Skating Party as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$1,000 2009 |
Star of The North Humane Society
capital assistance and Pets for Seniors project. |
$51,000 2002 |
Star of The North Humane Society
capital assistance for the animal shelter. |
$2,000 2003 |
Star of The North Humane Society
strategic planning activities. |
$4,000 2009 |
State Services For The Blind
senior outreach efforts in the Itasca County area. |
$2,500 2006 |
Steele County Food Shelf
the "Bridges Out of Poverty" seminar. |
$2,742 2005 |
Stevens County Economic Imp Commission
implementation of the Get Broadband program |
$15,000 2005 |
Stevens County Economic Imp Commission
assisting local nonprofits in the goal implementation phase following the September 2009 summit being organized by Resource Connections. |
$2,000 2009 |
Stevens County Historical Society
Phase III of the Prairie Renaissance Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$225,000 2002 |
Support Within Reach
your organization. |
$10,000 2000 |
Support Within Reach
your organization. |
$15,000 2000 |
Support Within Reach
your organization. |
$15,000 2001 |
Support Within Reach
your organization. |
$20,000 2002 |
Support Within Reach
your organization in 2004. |
$20,000 2003 |
Support Within Reach
sustaining assistance to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence and prevention education in Itasca County. |
$25,000 2004 |
Support Within Reach
sustaining assistance to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence and prevention education in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2005 |
Support Within Reach
sustaining assistance to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence and prevention education in Itasca County. |
$30,000 2006 |
Support Within Reach
sustaining assistance to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence and prevention education in Itasca County. |
$60,000 2007 |
Support Within Reach
sustaining assistance to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence and prevention education in Itasca County. |
$70,000 2009 |
Support Within Reach
strategic planning and merger expenses with Sexual Assault Services of Aitkin County. |
$2,500 2009 |
The Advocates for Human Rights
the human rights One Voice Minnesota project throughout rural Minnesota. |
$50,000 2007 |
The Advocates for Human Rights
the human rights One Voice Minnesota project throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2008 |
The Conservation Fund
retaining the services of the Conservation Fund's senior advisor to the Forest Legacy Partnership in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2005 |
The Conservation Fund
the Outdoor Heritage Fund, to purchase a conservation easement on private forests in the Itasca area for non-forest use. |
$150,000 2008 |
The Conservation Fund
the Outdoor Heritage Fund in Itasca County. |
$7,000,000 2009 |
The Creativity Tank
Art for All and All for Art! as part of the 2006 Celebration of the Young Child. |
$485 2006 |
The Creativity Tank
the Young Artist Open House in conjunction with the 2007 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$470 2007 |
The Creativity Tank
the Children First 2007 New Year celebration on Saturday, December 15, for the Faces of Winter workshop. |
$400 2007 |
The Creativity Tank
Paper Garden art project as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$480 2008 |
The Creativity Tank
Got Game! as part of the 2008 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$430 2008 |
The Creativity Tank
the Who Am I? and Got Game? events as part of Children First 2008 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$700 2008 |
The Creativity Tank
Art 'n Air as part of the 2009 Celebration of the Young Child in Itasca County. |
$420 2009 |
The Creativity Tank
Funky Felting and Rug Stomp/Hot Chocolate Winter Book as part of the Children First 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration in Itasca County. |
$925 2009 |
The Crossing Arts Alliance
continued operating assistance as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$25,000 2002 |
The Loft
continuing the "Minnesota Literature Live" program throughout rural Minnesota communities. |
$20,000 2000 |
The Loft
continuing the "Minnesota Literature Live" program throughout rural Minnesota communities. |
$20,000 2001 |
The Loft
sustaining assistance for "Minnesota Literature Live" program throughout rural Minnesota communities. |
$20,000 2002 |
The Nature Conservancy - Minneapolis
assistance to launch a Forest Legacy Partnership in the Itasca County area. |
$5,965,893 2005 |
The Nature Conservancy - Minneapolis
the Minnesota Forest Legacy Partnership with the McKnight Foundation throughout rural Minnesota. |
$1,000,000 2007 |
The Nature Conservancy - Minneapolis
the Minnesota Forest Legacy Partnership from funding from the Bush Foundation throughout rural Minnesota. |
$750,000 2008 |
The Northspan Group, Inc.
facilitation of the Range Readiness Initiative. |
$20,000 2007 |
The Northspan Group, Inc.
annual membership dues for the Blandin Foundation. |
$1,000 2008 |
The Northspan Group, Inc.
continued facilitation of the Range Readiness Initiative. |
$5,000 2009 |
The People Connection, Inc.
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$15,000 2005 |
Todd County
the Todd County Together project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$115,200 2000 |
Todd County
Phase II of the Todd County Together project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$242,000 2001 |
Todd County
Phase III of the Todd County Together Project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$59,600 2002 |
Todd County
implementation of the Get Broadband program. |
$11,000 2005 |
Town of Lawrence
capital assistance for playground equipment. |
$16,930 2001 |
Town of Tofte
technical assistance to help the community with its economic development planning. |
$5,000 2005 |
Township of Marcell
capital assistance for playground equipment in the Marcell public recreation area. |
$2,000 2009 |
Traverse County
the Traverse County Communities Uniting in Partnership project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$70,250 2002 |
True Friends
your service to Itasca County residents. |
$1,700 2000 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County residents. |
$1,700 2000 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance to serve residents of Itasca County. |
$1,700 2001 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for residents of Itasca County. |
$1,700 2002 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County residents during 2004. |
$1,700 2003 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance to allow Itasca County disabled youth to participate in Camp Friendship activities. |
$1,700 2004 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County disabled youth to participate in camp activities. |
$2,000 2005 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County disabled youth to participate in camp activities. |
$2,500 2006 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County disabled youth to participate in camp activities. |
$5,000 2007 |
True Friends
sustaining assistance for Itasca County disabled youth to participate in camp activities. |
$6,000 2009 |
Trust for Public Land
your program-related investment for the Harbor Park project in Grand Marais. |
$126,000 2000 |
Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.
the Citizens' Forum: Minnesota Competitiveness Project. |
$150,000 2000 |
U of M Carlson School of Management
sponsorship of the 2009 Minnesota Cup, Clean and Green Division. |
$5,000 2009 |
U of M Extension
the Northwoods Food Project. |
$1,000 2008 |
U of M Extension
the upcoming conference on "How History Affects American Indian Family Dynamics: Implications for our Work with Children and Youth." |
$1,000 2009 |
U of M North Central Research & Outreach Center
your "Regeneration dynamics of aspen and birch: Seedling growth and morphological development under ideal conditions and competition with a greenhouse." |
$54,300 2000 |
U of M North Central Research & Outreach Center
developing a Reproductive Biotechnology Center in Grand Rapids. |
$55,000 2004 |
U of M North Central Research & Outreach Center
continuing the research work of the Reproduction Biotechnology Center in Itasca County. |
$175,000 2006 |
U of MN - Morris, Center for Small Towns
continuation funding for the Community University Partnership as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership |
$187,000 2001 |
U of MN Department of Forest Resources
demonstration of a bio-baler across rural communities in Minnesota |
$2,500 2009 |
U of MN Extension Itasca County
operating assistance for the Itasca County 4-H program during 2005. |
$2,500 2004 |
U of MN Extension Itasca County
the 2008 Woodland Owners and Users Conference. |
$4,000 2008 |
U of MN Humphrey School Public Affairs
planning assistance for public policy/leadership issues for the public good in rural communities. |
$76,116 2000 |
U of MN Humphrey School Public Affairs
the "First in Family" policy dialogue being held January 2009. |
$5,000 2008 |
U of MN Humphrey School Public Affairs
a study on transportation options for residents with limited resources in the Itasca County area. |
$49,350 2009 |
U of MN, College of Natural Resources
developing a certification framework for Minnesota's nonindustrial private forests as part of the Public Policy & Engagement effort. |
$178,828 2004 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
your organization. |
$10,000 2000 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
your organization in 2001. |
$10,000 2000 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
administrative expenses in 2002. |
$10,000 2001 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance for your organization. |
$10,000 2002 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance in support of administrative expenses in 2004. |
$20,000 2003 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance in support of administration in 2005. |
$20,000 2004 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
increasing the capacity of nonprofits by offering educational opportunities in the Itasca County area. |
$9,700 2004 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance in support of operations during 2006. |
$25,000 2005 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance for administration during 2007. |
$20,000 2006 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
covering costs associated with a forum to end poverty held on September 27-28, 2007. |
$1,150 2007 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance in support of administration during 2008 and 2009 in Itasca County. |
$44,000 2007 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
the health and human service needs assessment in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2007 |
United Way of 1,000 Lakes
sustaining assistance in support of administration during 2010 and 2011 in Itasca County. |
$44,000 2009 |
University of Minnesota
the bio-fiber conference being held September 22, 2005, in Grand Rapids. |
$3,000 2005 |
University of Minnesota Duluth
the Indian Mental Health Training Project. |
$8,961 2007 |
University of Minnesota Duluth
raising awareness of the Masters of Advocacy and Political Leadership program at the University of MN-Duluth. |
$15,000 2008 |
University of Minnesota Duluth
the Native Youth Leadership Program in rural Minnesota. |
$462,420 2009 |
University of Minnesota Extension Service
of a nutrition curriculum for the Teenage Parent Program of Itasca County as a result of the Children First! Initiative. |
$3,129 2000 |
University of Minnesota Foundation
project development and implementation of the Laurentian Vision Partnership. |
$50,000 2001 |
University of Minnesota Foundation
a Retail Sales Analysis Data Base to be used by rural communities in Minnesota. |
$11,000 2003 |
University of Minnesota Foundation
Minnesota Minute public service announcements and online video blog for Minnesota's Sesquicentennial. |
$75,000 2007 |
University of Minnesota Foundation
the Wild Rice Symposium. |
$500 2009 |
University of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
the Iron Range Aggregate Materials Commercialization project. |
$10,000 2003 |
University of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
the development of a full-scale model/prototype that provides innovative housing solutions in rural Minnesota. |
$10,000 2004 |
University of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
the Product Development Fund to enhance economic growth in northeastern Minnesota. |
$150,000 2007 |
University of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
FEMA review of the emergency housing concept. |
$15,000 2008 |
University of Minnesota Natural Resources Research Institute
an initial FEMA review of containerized emergency housing developed by NRRI. |
$15,000 2008 |
Vermilion Community College
the Get Broadband program in the Ely area. |
$15,000 2004 |
VFW Post 1720
capital assistance to purchase a new van for transporting veterans to VA hospitals in St. Cloud and Minneapolis. |
$10,000 2005 |
the Plymouth Ensemble residency in Grand Rapids. |
$30,000 2001 |
educational workshops and concerts in Virginia, Grand Rapids and Hibbing. |
$5,000 2006 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
your organization. |
$6,500 2000 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$6,500 2000 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$6,500 2001 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$6,500 2002 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$6,500 2003 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$6,500 2004 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts Program in Itasca County. |
$7,500 2005 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$10,000 2006 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2007 |
Voyageurs Area Council #286 Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
sustaining assistance for the Boy Scouts program in Itasca County. |
$20,000 2009 |
Wadena Development Authority
implementation of the Get Broadband program |
$15,000 2005 |
Walker Area Community Foundation
start-up and operating costs of the Walker Area Community Foundation. |
$23,045 2003 |
Walker Art Center
ArtsNet Minnesota. |
$23,000 2000 |
Walker Art Center
sustaining assistance to support ArtsNet Minnesota. |
$23,000 2001 |
Walker Art Center
sustaining assistance to support ArtsNet Minnesota. |
$19,800 2002 |
Wells Academy
expanding the job training program for Native American people. |
$50,000 2008 |
West Central Initiative
technical assistance for the Refugee and Immigrant Economic Development Center to establish an International Market Plaza for the west central region of Minnesota. |
$5,000 2005 |
West Central Initiative
the Building Healthcare project in west central Minnesota. |
$50,000 2006 |
White Earth Land Recovery Project
assistance to address native food systems and compliance with food certification standards. |
$30,000 2004 |
White Earth Land Recovery Project
marketing strategies, alternative energy systems development and communications development on the White Earth Indian Reservation. |
$50,000 2006 |
White Earth Tribal Council
the Northern MN Reservation Economic Development Initiative. |
$10,000 2006 |
White Earth Tribal Council
a youth leadership program on the White Earth Reservation and to host a Cultural Valus Youth Forum. |
$10,000 2007 |
White Earth Tribal Council
the Wind Turbine project on the White Earth Reservation. |
$200,000 2007 |
Whittier Community Development Corp.
operating assistance to promote economic development in rural communities with high Latino immigrants as part of the Latino Economic Development Center. |
$40,000 2003 |
Wilder Foundation
the James P. Shannon Leadership Institute. |
$18,750 2001 |
Wilder Foundation
continuation funding of the James Shannon Leadership Institute. |
$60,000 2002 |
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Ctr
a school outreach program for schools and communities that attend Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center. |
$185,973 2000 |
Women's Community Development Org
start-up costs of the Foundation for Social Justice and Human Rights. |
$5,000 2006 |
Women's Foundation of Minnesota
identifying and creating a statewide policy agenda for women and girls throughout rural Minnesota. |
$100,000 2007 |
Women's Leadership Fund
the Vote, Run, Lead Project to promote women's political leadership throughout rural Minnesota. |
$120,000 2007 |
Worthington Area United Way
aid to victims of the Worthington Swift plan incident in Worthington. |
$25,000 2006 |
Worthington Regional Hospital
technical assistance concerning the future of the hospital and clinic. |
$5,000 2005 |
YMCA of Brainerd
program and operating support for the "Energizing Our Dreams-Mobilizing Our Gifts" project. |
$75,000 2000 |
YMCA of Brainerd
your challenge grant for a capital campaign for the "Energizing Our Dreams-Mobilizing Our Gifts" project as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$398,000 2000 |
YMCA of Brainerd
Phase II of the "Vision 2010 Project" as part of the Blandin Community Investment Partnership. |
$80,000 2001 |