Frontline Reflections: Sherry Frick
Sherry Frick (Blandin Leadership alumna), and her husband Paul, have owned and operated Minuteman Press in Grand Rapids for 20 years. Sherry is a driving force behind the Itasca Strong initiative, supported in part with a $5,000 Blandin Foundation grant.
“Working through Covid19 has had many challenges for us, as it has for most. We were fortunate to be able to remain open during the shutdown because we print for many essential businesses. We were very honored to be able to continue to offer our services to those that needed it. We did lose significant revenue from not having orders from our client base that was forced to close during the shutdown and it has been slow to come back.
Our biggest challenges during Covid19 has been staffing. We are a small, staffed business and it has been exceedingly difficult not being able to have staff work on site. Working remotely works for some portions of our business but having the team work together on location is the best way to service our clients effectively and efficiently. Not having full staff caused some delays in our production cycles; our other struggle was the supply chain. We experienced back orders, longer delivery times, and increased shipping cost which affected our bottom line. The loss of events in the area has been our biggest hit to our sales volume, we have been able to make some of it up with the sales of the Covid19 signage that businesses have needed to operate safely for staff and customers.
I am so thankful to have been a part of the Itasca Strong Task Force and helping bring the message of strength, hope and support to Itasca County residents and businesses. It has been so awesome to see so many individuals and business step up and take the Itasca Strong pledge. I honestly believe we live in an amazing area of Minnesota that has a community of giving, respectful and kindhearted individuals who love where they live, work, and play. I am so proud to be a part of that mission.”