Standing with students as they make a courageous commitment to education

by Blandin Foundation Posted in Grants
The achievement of Itasca-area young people was a great passion of our founder, Charles K. Blandin. That passion is still alive and burning bright today.
This year, we will stand with 365 students who have made a courageous commitment to achieve their educational dream — whether it be at a community, technical or tribal college, a university, college or a certificate program. For the third year in a row, we are honored to invest more than $1 million in the futures of our youth, putting their higher education better within financial reach.
Staff and Board members recently participated in each school’s scholarship awards events to celebrate the recent Education Grants recipients, ranging from 1 to 50 students per school.
Visit our website for more information on the program and to see how Education Grants help Itasca youth achieve their educational dream. Applications for 2017-18 school year are available October 1.
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