Digital Office Hours
Monday, October 12
A Citizens’ Broadband Map: Speed Testing Initiatives in Washington and Minnesota by Nathan Zacharias, MN Rural Broadband Coalition Consultant; Russ Elliot, Washington State Broadband Office; Steve Giorgi, Range Association of Municipalities and Schools; and Glenn Fishbine, GEO Partners | Session notes and recording
Tuesday, October 13
Pandemic Publishing with Children by Anne Brataas, Minnesota Children’s Press | Session notes and recording
Wednesday, October 14
Digital Engagement for Refugees and Immigrants by Fatima Said, Project FINE | Session notes and recording
Thursday, October 15
Novel Coronavirus: Libraries Responding Beyond Books by Hannah Buckland, MN Dept of Education; Jen Nelson, Minnesota State Librarian; and Maggie Snow, Minitex | Session notes and recording
Friday, October 16
Intelligent Communities in Minnesota | Session notes and recording
Monday,October 19
Creative Connections via Interactive Zoom Programming by Maria Genné, Parker Genné, and Lynnea Doublette, Kairos Alive! | Session notes and recording
Tuesday, October 20
Office of Broadband Development Overview of Interactive Map of Broadband Deployment by Diane Wells, Minnesota Office of Broadband Development | Session notes and recording
Wednesday, October 21
Telehealth: The Pandemic Shift by Mary DeVany, Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center | Session notes and recording
Thursday, October 22
Partnership for a ConnectedMN | Session notes and recording
Friday, October 23
Community Technology Empowerment Project (CTEP) AmeriCorps program by Joel Krogstad, CTEP Program Director | Session notes and recording